Message: Truth has fallen & Taken Liberty with it

Well said Koala - love to see you vent once in a while - it's healthy - better than keeping it inside & raising one's B.P. Politicians can fool some of the people some of the time, but not fool all of them all of the time. The chickens are coming home to roost & the real facts are becoming abundantly clear - enough is enough - it's time for leaders to listen to the real everyday concerns of its citizens.

Regarding Silverado, I still feel we will get the deal done. Garry Anselmo is one smart dude - he knows the Nolan like the back of his hand, he has been working like Hell the last many months to find a suitable financial deal, and has proven he is a SURVIVOR. Believe it or not, he does have the interests of long holding shareholders at heart & is doing his best to get a proper deal done - in the interests of all of us. Imagine getting it done in this political economic environment! Some deals take 6 -12 months to iron out the details - somehow he will do it IMHO.

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