Message: Big Brother Now Monitoring Public Conversations

As the west is engulfed by a growing police state, citizens have become used to cameras that are seemingly everywhere. Britain is the testing ground for the eventual global police state. England has more cameras per capita than any nation on earth, and now they have implemented the next step. Monitoring now includes covert surveillance equipment that records the public’s private conversations.

July 6, 2010

From the UK Telegraph: “The technology, called Sigard, monitors movements and speech to detect signs of threatening behaviour.”

“Its designers claim the system can anticipate anti-social behaviour and violence by analysing the information picked up its sensors.”

“They say alerts are then sent to police, nightclub bouncers or shop security staff, which allow them to nip trouble in the bud before arguments spiral into violence.”

“The devices are designed to distinguish between distress calls, threatening behaviour and general shouting.”

“Dylan Sharpe, from Big Brother Watch, said: ‘There can be no justification for giving councils or the police the capability to listen in on private conversations.’”

There are close to 10,000 cameras in a 15 block radius within Times Square in New York. Governments are bust, but they seem to have endless budgets to put up cameras and assemble units to squash civil disorder.

The growth of increased surveillance is a very complicated subject, and is directly correlated to global governance. Citizens will be groomed to accept this increased surveillance as being for their own safety. This will be an integral part of western civilization going forward, so get used to it.

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