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Message: Informative news release from last November.

Feb 07, 2008 06:43AM

Feb 07, 2008 10:48AM

Feb 07, 2008 11:34AM

Feb 07, 2008 12:05PM

Snowfield delivers 100 tonnes of kimberlite to DeBeers

2007-11-30 07:00 ET - News Release

Mr. Robert Paterson reports


Snowfield Development Corp. has reached a significant milestone in the process of exploring, and ultimately, evaluating the viability of its Ticho diamond project located approximately 55 kilometres southeast of Yellowknife, NWT.

The delivery of the first 100 tonnes of kimberlite, of a 500-tonne total bulk sample, to DeBeers Canada Exploration Ltd.'s dense media separation plant, located in Grande Prairie, Alta., will enable DeBeers to begin processing the kimberlite on Dec. 3, 2007. This processing is expected to take 10 days. The company's qualified person, as defined by National Policy 43-101 will be on site in Grande Prairie to audit the procedure. The remaining 400 tonnes are expected to arrive at DeBeers Grande Prairie facility in February, 2008, with processing scheduled for March, 2008.

The Mud Lake kimberlite, part of the Ticho project, was sampled in the spring and summer of 2007. The 500 tonnes of kimberlite was then crushed, bagged and sealed on site under relevant security procedures. The full 500 tonnes was scheduled to be shipped by barge for transportation to Hay River, NWT, and Grande Prairie, Alta. However, due to the failure of the barge company to meet its commitment to transport the kimberlite, 100 tonnes was airlifted by helicopter. The remaining 400 tonnes will be trucked out as ice road conditions permit, historically the month of February. The ability of the company to make alternative plans to move the kimberlite is further testament to the advantage of the Ticho project's location. The proximity to Yellowknife, with its associated infrastructure, provides Snowfield with a considerable benefit, both in terms of cost and availability of options in its continuing exploration of the Ticho project.

The initial 100 tonnes will yield approximately one tonne of concentrate. Previously conducted caustic fusion analysis of a small sample of drill core from the Mud Lake kimberlite confirmed the capacity of the kimberlite to carry macro-diamonds. This analysis compared very favourably with other caustic fusion testing carried out by other diamond explorers. The presence of macro-diamonds and significant counts of green garnets -- to date the only reported discovery of such garnets in Canada -- are considered by the company to be indicative of the quality of the Mud Lake kimberlite discovery. Worldwide the occurrence of green garnets is always associated with producing diamond mines.

The concentrate, when received from DeBeers, will be divided into three batches with two batches being sent to Canadian diamond recovery laboratories and the third batch being sent to DeBeers's laboratory in Johannesburg, South Africa. The Saskatchewan Research Council Diamond Recovery Laboratory has informed Snowfield that it anticipates being able to provide diamond counts to the company by the end of January, 2008. DeBeers diamond recovery counts are expected in March, 2008, and the company awaits scheduling details from Kennecott Canada Exploration's mineral processing laboratory.


Drilling resumed Nov. 16, 2007, with three crews mobilized to the Ticho project. These crews provide a 24-hour usage of one drill with the second drill operating on one shift. Both drills are chasing targets to the northeast of Mud Lake toward Sipper Lake. Segments of core from a hole designated swamp No. 07-01, were submitted for assay. These assays have now been received and no mineralization of interest was reported.

We seek Safe Harbor.

Pretty close to being on schedual..... the bashers think progress should follow an outline to the second.... the reality is dates were simply estimates. So here we are ... darn close to being on schedual for results from SRC's batch.... just before the PDAC.

Feb 08, 2008 06:25AM
Feb 08, 2008 06:52AM

Feb 08, 2008 07:47AM

Feb 08, 2008 08:48AM
Feb 08, 2008 10:00AM

Feb 08, 2008 10:04AM
Feb 08, 2008 04:34PM
Feb 08, 2008 09:53PM
Feb 09, 2008 05:27AM

Feb 09, 2008 05:07PM

Feb 09, 2008 05:28PM

Feb 10, 2008 07:26AM
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