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Message: Good News or Bad......

Good News or Bad......

posted on Apr 23, 2008 07:04PM
.....whatever the results bring, I remind you that they only refer to a postage stamp size area of the Mud Lake kimberlite complex that cannot be taken as an accurate representation of its potential. Sure, there is the risk that the s/p will go down on bad news. Likewise, I suspect that we'll see a modest rise if the results are good. However, this exploration play has a lot more going for it than the forthcoming set of results.

In the coming weeks, the new set of cores results, which are more than 30 now, will provide us with an insight as to what the broader area of the deposit may hold. Along with this, the other kimberlites, that are close to Mud Lake, may provide investors with a bump in the s/p if one of them is found by the exploration crew. They are there and it is only a matter of time before they are found.

The fundamentals of this play have not changed. Not enough is yet known about the Ticho kimberlites for anyone, no matter how smart they are, to determine if this play is dead, or just about to turn a corner. Too much is yet to be explored, explained and determined before anyone can make such a sweeping judgement call. So, the bashers can carry on bashing and the pumpers can continue their pumping, but nothing other than pure exploration and graft at the sharp end of this play can bring home the goods at Mud Lake or point Snowfield towards looking elsewhere on their property.

There are the usual multiplicity of speculative risks, like most other exploration plays and the company needs to fund its exploration, but I still very much want to be around this play when (and if) Snowfield finds what it is looking for.

Good luck to all.....

Apr 24, 2008 08:10AM
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