Hi Tidbits,
I think that you are right.
There is no quick fix here, just a whole bunch of hard work to be done at the Ticho property. The reset button has been pressed and the company must start almost from zero again in terms of exploration.
A lot has been done since the bulk sample disappointed us all, but it is unlikely that there will be a mass of diamonds in the forthcoming cores. Instead, I have a feeling that the SNO will know a lot more about the geometry of the Mud Lake complex and where the diamonds are most likely to be found within it. In its own way, this is just as valuable and will allow the drilling team to cut to the chase when it starts up again.
Meanwhile, the drill team is still intact and earning the company some much needed cash. When the core results are compiled and the airbourne survey is carried out, this drill will be turn for us in earnest upon well defined targets. These targets will most likely include the search for the second kimberlite body and perhaps others that must be out there somewhere.
Nothing seems to come easy in the diamond exploration business and there is no company that knows this as well as Snowfield and its investors. It has been very rocky, but I firmly believe that time will tell if our investments are well placed.
Good luck to all.