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Message: Re: You have to wonder if this volume is about SRC results from the Wire claim

Has always been a bit of a mystery why there was not some information released about results of the "Wire" exploration. In the past the company did "wrap things up" so to speak by at least acknowledging formally that the great "bulk sample" effort was in essence a dud.

Seems odd as well that given the sudden huge volumes that the Exchange didn't do a halt so that the company could do a formal release saying the "didn't have any information". Perhaps given the low actual sums involved with trading at .02 and .03, things are just not worthy of exchange intervention.

Certainly lots of questions that will likely eventually be answered. Just when that will be is anyone's guess. I don't anguish over my losses on this issue. It's just all part of the big game. Another part of it is the interesting movements that take place when some signs of life are shown. The way these things go if we move another couple of cents there will once again be talks of meeting in "Las Vegas".

Onwards and Upwards.

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