Sonde Resources Corp

Exploration and production of oil and natural gas.

Message: Affidavit: Mike Coolen -Canadian Superior intends to take over Challenger's 25%

Hi Jim; As far as I know the participation agreement was signed months ago because I specifically remember someone on another board stated that Canadian Superior and Petrotrin were going it alone on the M/G Block and I checked around and discovered that Challenger had signed on. My impression is that Challenger signed the participation agreement before Canadian Superior had a Receiver appointed and before Challenger went into CCAA Protection. Just because they signed it doesn't mean too much I don't think. Challenger could still sell out and dismantle itself and it wouldn't effect the M/G exploration much I don't think. They seem to be a silent partner. Besides, would you want them to be SNG's partner again?

I have heard nothing on the court appeal. I just keep checking the sites in the off topic forum for updates. On the other hand Canadian Superior made a good jump yesterday up 40%. If it continues to make some good bounces up before the information is released on the complete flow testing and analysis comes out on Block 5(C) and before the bidding is completed on March 20th we hopefully will have good share appreciation and a good share price.

All the pumpers and dumpers are coming out of the woodwork on IV. In fact the site needs to be put on IV to regain some sense of sanity and civility. I like our neighbourhood here a lot better.

Best Wishes; Scott

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