Sonde Resources Corp

Exploration and production of oil and natural gas.

Message: Write Letters To SNG Management And Complain Now!!

Write Letters To SNG Management And Complain Now!!

posted on Nov 03, 2009 12:15PM

I took Drock's advice and I waited until November 1st and I wrote a letter to SNG's management. Essentially my letter consisted of everything that I put into my blog on this board previously, entitled: What is going on with SNG, on October 25th:

The only change I made was a correction in my letter that SNG needs to shut down the Libya/Tunisia project and close its office in Tunis, Tunisia. I had previously stated that the office was in Libya in my original blog on Agoracom. All owners of Canadian Superior Energy who read the Agoracom website from time to time but do not write blogs need to write to SNG management as well immediately. Today, the share price has gone down again. It's currently trading at .63 cents Canadian. If I was a conspiracy theorist I would state that this is purposely being done by management so that when the share price gets low enough a competitor will step in and put in a low bid to take out SNG. Who do we know that could fit that description? Well how about Craig Mackenzie's company Toreador Resources (NASDAQ: TRGL) that PAI (who have a major share in Toreador Resources and who put him in to run it) would be the one to buy out SNG cheap (and trigger a class action lawsuit by SNG common shareholders).

Fortunately, I'm not a conspiracy theorist but a realist and as I see it we are just dealing with an inept management team/board of directors now running Canadian Superior Energy. After this long wait to find a new Chairman, they had better come up with an individual with the credentials and quality of a Gwen Morgan, ex Encana boss, to run this company or we common shareholders will not be satisfied going forward.

Please write to management everybody and let us see if we get any responses back at this point.

Best Wishes; Scott

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