developing products to protect hearing and improve listening
Creator of award winning eers custom-fitted earphones
Sonomax eers Custom Earbuds:
Sonomax has changed a lot in the last year. Moving from proof of concept to production, they have optimized their Sonofit custom molded earphones technology to be more robust and easier to use. The best part, however, are the changes inside.
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Sonomax eers Custom Earbuds:
Sonomax has changed a lot in the last year. Moving from proof of concept to production, they have optimized their Sonofit custom molded earphones technology to be more robust and easier to use. The best part, however, are the changes inside.
Connecting to Believers
MONTREAL, QC–September 15, 2011–Sonomax Technologies, Inc. (TSXV: SHH), reports positive results from its retail launch in the U.S., and progress with JAM Industries Ltd., as well as with Skullcandy®. Sonomax® also reports that uFIT® is in the final stages of product design, that Sonomax is expanding distribution of sculpted eers™ to online sales and into global markets, and that manufacturing partners have been secured with significant production capacity.
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