You have my suport as I do not believe in boards filling their pokets with free things. We have had nothing from this board as to what is taking place and I do believe that a full report is long overdue. This board is acountable to the shareholders. I must say that they have fallen short of their duties and responsibilities and should not be paid bonus for failures. IF this board can prove otherwise then it should do so as soon as posible. Boards once elected seem to think that these co's belong to them and have no accountability. All bonus should be put to a vote to the share holders and if they have done a good job then they can expect rewards. Now it seems that these guys are rewarded for failure as well as sucess that bonses are simply automatic things. this has got tostop and all share holders should do something about this procedure in regards to boneses. A job well done should be rewarded no ??? turcotte