A Flight Sciences Company


Message: Re: Star ISAMM?LSAMM (from MD&A)

May 31, 2019 10:50AM

It's interesting to know how our Star Medevac technology came into being. We had just finished getting our G3 unit certified with the FAA and it was operational on our VVIP customer aircraft. The G3 uses a satellite and a GSM modem to transmit data. Certain data from the aircraft is sent to a third party for analysis. We had also just completed work with Bombardier to receive and transmit data from sensors for radiation detection.

I was sitting with Junaid and was going over some details of the two projects and I said to him, "You know what we just accomplised here. Why can't we transmit medical data the same way?" He looked at me and said, "Sure why not." Medevac was born. I couldn't believe how fast the first prototype was put together. Of course there has been a lot of refinement since then by our software guys and the guys from STAR-ISONEO. It was a priviledge to work with such professional people.

Moving forward I can say that there is a tremendous amount of interest in our technology and that in the coming months we will see the rewards of our effort. 

There are a lot of things that need to be in place for this success to happen but I am confident we will prevail. We have something very special here. A special technology in an untouched market.

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