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The Company has three main projects: a PGE project in Montana's Stillwater District; a copper project in California's historic Moonlight Copper Mining District; and a nickel-copper-cobalt-PGE project in Ferguson Lake, Nunavut.

Message: Rumours and some musings

Rumours and some musings

posted on Oct 17, 2008 08:48AM

Anyone else hear that there may be a substantial investor buying up Starfield shares right now? If the rumours are true this stock will be in fine shape when the rest of the investors of the world figure out that the stock market is way oversold. Warren Buffet came out today and said he is a buyer of stocks right now, no better advice can be given at this time.

As far as the world going into recession I am a firm believer that we will not go into recession. The emerging markets are still growing, albeit at a slower pace which is no surprise as the States is the #1 economy in the world. The States are most likely in recession at this point but should pull out of it in the second quarter of next year. After the election and after the stimulus packages have had their effect. This all takes time, you are not going to turn around an economy the size of the States over night. Once the U.S. turns things around we will see demand of metals pick up again which could be at the same time SRU is getting ready for production. You do not build a mine for today, it is built for tomorrow and the fact is that metals will still be in demand. The reason why we had huge price spikes was the lack of metals coming onto the market. No one spent a dime on exploration back in the 90's which lead to huge shortages. The miners will shut down mines if the price does not come back up, which will again lead to shortages, it is an ebb and flow situation. When the world wide economy bounces back you will see demand much higher than what you saw last year. When economies turn things around they then enter a stage of big growth and therefor the demand for metals will go up substantially.

This market mess is way over blown and the media has had a huge part in the reaction people have had. The reporters have driven fear into the minds of everyone. They keep pushing out articles and news stories about how the sky is falling, get out of the market now, go to cash etc etc.. They are in the business of self promotion, they will do anything to sell newspapers, get people to their website, to their T.V. stations and to their radio stations, this is the name of the game. People are drawn to things like this, just look at the tabloids, they would not exist if people did not want to read about someone else's train wreck. These reporters are doing everything they can to talk up this "wreck" and are especially pushing it because of the U.S. election and the biased based media trying to make the Republicans look as bad as they can and there by getting Obama voted in. This is easy to see, there is no hiding the fact that the left wing media will do anything to get their man votes. CNN has young reporters blushing as they talk about him, there is no true unbiased reporting being done in the States right now, makes me glad that we live in Canada, our election build up lasts a couple months, not a couple of years and billions of dollars later. I am not a fan of George bush either, I did not think he was ready(or ever be ready) to run the worlds # 1 economy but at the same time I do not think Obama is ready either. Give Obama another 10 years and he could be ready but at this point he is too naive about the ways of the world. He does not have the experience to be the most powerful man in the world. Everyone says that Kennedy wasn't experienced but the world was much different back then, you never had terrorist, nor world wide trade like you do now, it was a much simpler time.

Anyways, you will get some economists who say world wide recession, some will say no recession, in fact there is no one who will play this thing 100% right. The big boys are buying right now and that is reason enough for me to remain optimistic! They did not become big boys by making foolish investments!

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