It is too bad that the 119 and 119 extension is so deep, cause the ore bodies get thicker and they seem to be better grades as well. So very little drilling would have to be done in order to get more resources. I think I have said this before but I had talked to Mike Maddigan a few months before he passed on and he said that he thinks there could be over 200 million tonnes just in the 119 and 119 extension. How long will it take to find out if he was right? Going over the old NRs about the geophysics and the two holes they sunk further into the 119 extension makes me believe that this could be possible. I had also exchanged emails with Sid Vissor from SJ Geophysics and he said he also believes there to be something very large there and that you don't see the readings that they got very often. The two holes hit the target but the grades weren't that hot but with the down hole geophysics run it looked like they missed the better stuff higher up. The plate like ore body is on an angle, if I read the NR right, and they hit the bottom of this angled plate. It also proved that the 119 extension is connected to the 119 which in turn is connected to the west zone. This 119 extension remained open to the SW and turns further south. This southerly direction that the 119 extension takes is what made me ask management if they think this could be connected to the Y Lake area, which they don't think they are.