Welcome to the Starfield Resources Disucssion Forum

The Company has three main projects: a PGE project in Montana's Stillwater District; a copper project in California's historic Moonlight Copper Mining District; and a nickel-copper-cobalt-PGE project in Ferguson Lake, Nunavut.

Message: This post is for the silent observers and those considering investing

This post is for the silent observers and those considering investing

posted on May 06, 2009 09:26AM

Many of us left the other forum because all the taunting by those that had an agenda and knew when and how to ply their wares. Do not think it strange that they might want to cast their barbs at Starfield at this point in time on this forum. It IS the perfect time to chuck their darts because nothing 'seems to be happening'. Starfield has not made a penny yet. Starfield has a huge number of shares outstanding at this time. The market is terrible for the most part. The exploration program has been curtailed. I am sure that at face value ONLY the arguments of those that absolutely have and agenda contrary to the company's and to the stockholders and to any prospective shareholders can loom large to the unwary investor. First we must ask ourselves is the commodity market the place to be in now. Then we ask if the metals market is in fact where we should be at this juncture. Then we have to examine Starfield independent of what another investor says. I also would also include postings from those who refuse to answer your questions about why they come to the forum with those "has Starfield really said" or "do you really think that Starfield can", type of inquisatory type posting. What all of us must do is to look and see how far this junior [not major] company has come. We must go back to those exciting NR's and discoveries. You deside whether you have been a long, long enough. You decide whether or not this is the play for you. You deside whether you think that Seymour Schulich, the Canadian billionaire, made a mistake when he purchased millions and millions and more millions of shares of Starfield. One thing I urge you not to do and that is to take to heart the fiery darts of those that continue to demonize the company and the leadership with their well worded postings. As a P.S. they have been slamming Starfield for near 10 years AND yet they remain. That should be a tip off to us. In the final analysis, it is up to you to make your decisions about your investment choices. Just do not let mere man steal your vision or goals not matter what company you choose to invest in.

Best wishes to those with the best of intentions,

Jerry Francis

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