Welcome to the Starfield Resources Disucssion Forum

The Company has three main projects: a PGE project in Montana's Stillwater District; a copper project in California's historic Moonlight Copper Mining District; and a nickel-copper-cobalt-PGE project in Ferguson Lake, Nunavut.

Message: Thanda Resources

It addition to poster Kundrat's observations and questions, I also took personal notice of yours. I would like to address this post to your item #9. We cannot expect to call Seymour and ask him some questions as that might not be proper and it is extremely doubtful that he would personall correspond with us. At best, if at all, his office would refer us right back to Starfield. So that brings us right back to the mode dependable of the two bulletin board services. Starfield pays for the Agoracom service, so in effect they are the PR arm of the company.

Question #9.

What exactly are Seymour's thoughts regarding the change in focus or direction by Starfield?

Does he believe that they will ever build that plant along with the shipping route posted by the company a few of years back?

Is SS as excited about Starfield as he once was?

Does he think that Starfield Resources is a strong buy at these prices?

In conclusion, I remember talking to someone in leadership about something I had heard was happening and I was looking for verification. The sharp response I received back from my comment was, "never mind what you have heard, just stick to the facts". Actually that was sound advice even though it came with a terse rebuke of sorts. So I really hope the upper echelon is reading these legitimate comments from the long time shareholders, because I now want to take the counsel and position that, that leader took when he first came to Starfield and ask him to share with us the true facts of the matter regarding all the queries that have been enumerated lately. The questions and statements do N O T come from the agenda based basher ilk that reside on that other 'forum' but from solid guys and gals that care about their investment choice.

Again respectfully submitted,

Jerry Francis

P.S. I go back further than when SRU discovered that one time 4oz rock and Bruce Balantyne who told them what it was. LOL.

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