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The Company has three main projects: a PGE project in Montana's Stillwater District; a copper project in California's historic Moonlight Copper Mining District; and a nickel-copper-cobalt-PGE project in Ferguson Lake, Nunavut.

Message: Hydro and the forum. Your thoughts please.


I think (well, I believe I even know) that from a strictly chemical point of view the Harris process works (with an artificially pure feed liquor). At least one can rather easily make it happen it in a couple of laboratory jars (if one has access to a properly equipped laboratory).

The big challenge is to build all the heavy duty equipment which implements such a process in the desired scale. There is no proof for the claim that that can be reliably done.

Some issues that look elegant and simple in Harris' flowsheet call for machinery that is not available on the market in the required materials and sizes. Other very serious issues are overlooked in Harris' publications; I do not believe, that he can make his process work without relatively complicated feed preconditioning equipment, which makes sure, that no undesired compounds enter and clog up the plant.

In short: It most probably takes a lot more money than Starfield can put on the table to complete the development of such a process.

Answering your question: I do not think, they are exaggerating; I think they simply underestimate the technical challenge.



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