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Message: Real estate foreclosures continue - SRS way to profit?

A short real estate etf...hmmmm.....I'm not one to comment on US realestate prices....but a few thoughts came to mind...

I think it would have been better to short at the top and not near the bottom.There are thoughts that real estate may be putting in a bottom.

When I compare which i did not too long ago in a couple places what you can buy in the US compared to here in Canada I drool. I immediately was thinking that your market must be getting way oversold so how much further down could it go?

If I were to look at a short etf a thought might be to concentrate on a more commercially weighted eft which is poss. a potential shoe to drop if we double dip.

I've really only followed etf's based on commodities and you def. have to be a trader imo so not sure how one on real estate trades. I may be interesting but I'd rather at this point thro money to a junior resource etf which is also taked about. With money poss. and def. shoowing sign of trickiling down from large and mid caps, juniors may give the largest percentage gains. to me I think they've signalled with there initial moves by holding those moves that there game is about to begin.

Anyhow i guess if we get a double dip a short etf may be a play but with housing prices down the percentage points they are in places like florida etc....I'd be wondering if I wasn't making am iffy bet.......but like I said....it's not a bet I really understand...too many variable with the devaluing of the dollar. I guess if I were out to buy property down there physically i would wait but not so much for lower prices but to pay for it with a devalued dollar and hops to sell it if the dollar regains at some point....but this could all take eons to play out.If the markets don't double dip and the economy slowy mends so will housing as confidence starts to regain.

Maybe one of the other guys has abetter feel for that question of yours....sorry not much help...

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