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Message: Chris, Klaus you are appreciated on Grandich blog!

Chris, Klaus you are appreciated on Grandich blog!

posted on Oct 30, 2009 01:39PM

I don't know if you guys check the Grandich blog as frequently as you used to prior to the Synergy space but saw the posting below and wanted you to know that you guys are appreciated for all your hard work and willingness to share it with others. In a world where compliments seem to be far and few between I just wanted you to know this.

"CJ says:

Hi Peter,
I would be lost without your blog, I have been following you for years and I never did subscribe to your letter because I thought most news letter writer’s were only in it for themselves. I watched you on BNN and there was just something about you that made me feel you were telling it the way you honestly believed it was (Right or Wrong). I was proven right and blessed that you started doing it for free. Since following your free blog I have made some money, that I really appreciate, and I wonder why you do what you do for free. I personally have become so thankful for finding others on your blog (ex. Susan, Chris, And Klaus) who share good information I don’t want it to end, but I have to agree with Eds post, this is a service you should charge for. I would be interested in knowing why you couldn’t continue your blog and make your model portfolio a subscriber based portfolio, for those who would be willing to donate $10.00, $50.00 $100.00 (it doesn’t need to be alot) to the Fealgood Foundation. You do some great work and I appreciate the work you do for the Fealgood Foundation, it could be win/win/win for everyone. I am sure those that believe in you would be more than happy to donate if it was going to the Fealgood Foundation, and those that didn’t could still take their shots at you.
Thanks for all your advice (good or bad)..."

OK Chris.....can I now too be a VP? lol or ha ha

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