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Message: Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

posted on Nov 27, 2009 10:18AM

I'm always amazed that these things (like Dubai) always seem to come out when the market is overbought and ripe for a pullback, so the market pulls back. I'm sure that when the market is oversold and ripe for a bounce, they'll say "it's contained," (hopefully with a better force field than they used for subprime) then the market will bounce.

I see they're finally making a big push to get gold down. If you like conspiracy theories, the timing of the Dubai crisis is perfect - holidays, thin markets, just perfect.......

All this talk of shopping - if not today, it could be good shopping for stocks in a week or so. My quasi-stink bid of 1.11 got filled on EVG this morning (sold it at 1.25 yesterday). Missed KMK @ 1.76 - should've bid 1.77 lol. Don't know why this is, but my orders always seem to be the last to be filled (therefore often not filled). How do they know?

End of ramble.

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