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Message: Peter Degraaf

Peter Degraaf

posted on Dec 10, 2009 11:29PM

Why the Gold Bears are Wrong once Again

By Peter Degraaf


It behooves us to refrain from getting carried away by reports of the imminent demise of the US dollar. Eventually it will become worthless, but for now, and as long as it is measured against other fiat currencies, the decline will be gradual, not as a watershed.

This is due to the fact that the 6 currencies that make up the US dollar index are not much stronger than the greenback, (with the possible exception of the Swiss Franc). The Euro makes up 57.6% of the index and many large Euro-banks are in worse shape than the big US banks. The Yen makes up 13.6%, and the Japanese banks have problems of their own. The British pound makes up 12% and Great Britain is on the ropes. The Canadian dollar makes up 9% and the Canadian government cannot permit the Canadian dollar to rise above par, for fear of a collapse in exports. The Swedish Krona makes up 4% and the Swiss Franc 3.6%.

The main impact of a collapse in the US dollar will be felt, not in the dollar index (where everybody is watching), but in its relationship to the price of gold.

The reason is this historical fact: for over 5,000 years gold has been the ultimate ‘go to’ money. It is the template against which fiat money is measured.

Charts courtesy Stockcharts.com

Featured is the index that measures gold against the US dollar. The green boxes surround the consolidation that took place before price broke out at the resistance line at the top of the box. The blue numbers represent the size of the advance from the break-out of one box to the top of the next box as it relates to the index at the right. You will notice that there is a dramatic progression ranging from 0.6 to 5.0.

Due to the fact that the US government has opted to go for an exponential uptrend in the federal deficits, this index is also going exponential. We can reasonably expect that the next number (currently 1.75 at the ‘?’) will be greater than 5.0; much greater!

The blue arrow inside the oval points to the observation that the two moving averages are in positive alignment with each other. This is the sign of a strong bull market.

Keep in mind that most breakouts are tested. Such a test in now underway. Use pullbacks such as the one you are seeing now, to add to your portfolio. The final top is still years into the future!

The reason we can state this with confidence is because the amount of ‘printing press money’ the Obama administration is throwing at the US economy guarantees massive price inflation and concurrent demand for gold.

Pretend you are in an auction hall. Just before the auction begins, a wealthy individual enters and begins to hand out handfuls of hundred dollar bills to the bidders. What do you think will happen to the prices realized at that auction?

This is the piece in the puzzle that the gold bears miss. They overemphasize the importance of technical analysis and neglect the fundamentals. They warn about deflation when there is no deflation.

Deflation is when the central banks withdraw money from the system. The opposite is occurring! Isolated asset deflation is not monetary deflation!

Featured is the daily gold chart. The ‘gold bears’ are likely to point to the drop in price last October (red arrow) as a harbinger of what will happen to the price of gold if and when the stock market corrects as it did back then. Sure enough gold was dumped as people needed cash to cover their commitments. Now notice how quickly gold recovered. For this reason people are not likely to dump their gold and gold stocks if and when a repeat of 2008 should occur. The next panic could very well see people rushing to gold for safety! You may recall that last summer we pointed out to you the importance of the so-called ‘Golden Cross’ (black arrow). This describes the 50DMA rising above the 200DMA for a positive alignment and it is the sign of a roaring bull market. Each of the blue arrows points to the date when we published an article (archived at this website), while we pointed out that this was a good time to add gold to a portfolio. The green arrow points to another buying opportunity in the making. Keep in mind that we are in the middle of the annual Christmas rally, and therefore price could even turn up without reaching that $1,100.00 target. (Our sell signals are reserved for subscribers and on December 3rd we issued a sell signal to our Premium Service subscribers, while we had advised taking partial profits for the previous two weeks for the benefit of all our subscribers).

Featured is the Monetary Base chart, courtesy Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

Since late 2008 the Monetary Base has almost tripled. That kind of an increase has never happened before. You can ‘bet your bippy’ this is going to cause price inflation. The deflationists out there will be proved wrong once again. The history of the US FED is such that at the first sign of perceived deflation, they try to ‘solve it’ by opening the money spigots. The evidence is right here in this chart!

Moody’s reported this morning that the US Treasury is likely to lose its AAA rating due to this unbelievable deficit spending.

Fundamentals for gold have never been better!

This chart courtesy FDIC shows the ratio between funds on hand and commitments to secure bank deposits at FDIC insured banks. Notice the rate has just gone negative. The FDIC is essentially broke!

This means the FDIC needs to raise money before it can meet its next commitment. Thus far in 2009 some 131 banks have gone bankrupt. Each time a bank ‘goes under’ the FDIC has to add funds to the remaining assets of the failed bank in order to make the bank attractive for another bank to buy it. The FDIC raises money by charging the remaining banks a fee and by accepting bailout money from the Federal Reserve. Call this another ‘leak in the boat.’ It’s a ‘lose-lose’ situation. By forcing remaining banks to come up with more money, these banks then become candidates for failure. The FDIC is left with only one option: borrowing from the US Treasury. This results in more money printing which is ‘gold-friendly.’

We often advise readers to keep track of the predictions made by the analysts they follow. If we may we’d like to remind you that for years we have warned that Global Warming was a scam, designed to steer funds into the bank accounts of those who are addicted to Global Warming and who use the money to do more ‘research’. ‘Climategate’ is proving that those of us who questioned the wisdom of wasting billions on ‘cap and trade’ laws were right all along. Misdirected public funds result in money wasted that should have been used to help small business (via tax incentives) to solve the unemployment crisis. Al Gore admitted in a recent speech in Great Britain that underlying the Global Warming movement is the push for global control. There are rumors that Al Gore has cancelled a major speech that he had planned to deliver at the Copenhagen conference. Ironically this conference is not ‘green-friendly’. The large number of private planes and limousines that have converged on Denmark are leaving an ugly carbon footprint. Not many of these delegates came by bicycle.

Some of the ‘gold bears’ point to the fact that sometimes gold rises faster than gold stocks. This is probably due to the fact that bullion banks are covering short positions in the metal. It is also due to the fact that central banks are buying gold bullion. They do not buy gold stocks.

This chart courtesy J.P. Morgan. The research department at J.P. Morgan analyzed the private sector experience of all of the cabinet appointments made by the US presidents since 1900. The results show the lack of experience of the people appointed by the Obama administration, compared to those of his predecessors. Yet these are the people who are trying to ‘fix’ the economy!


Some analysts who are calling for a major top in gold, base their prediction on the expectation that the US dollar is bottoming out.

The dollar is indeed due for a bounce but this does not necessarily imply that gold must drop (except for a normal pullback in an ongoing bull market). Gold and the dollar could easily rise up together, each on its own supply and demand factors.

For several months in 1973 and again in 2005, gold stocks rose along with the rising US dollar.

For the sake of emphasis we repeat the theme of this essay. A few bearish analysts are concerned about a possible deflationary collapse. They are missing an important piece of the puzzle. Deflation (except for isolated asset deflation) is a monetary phenomenon. It is caused by the FED withdrawing money from the system. Does anyone expect that to occur anytime soon?

It’s time for the gold bears to go and hibernate somewhere!

Most bull markets feature the ‘up two - down one’ characteristic. By being prepared to accept the ‘down one’ part of the overall rise, and use it to add to our ‘gold and silver stash’ we can take advantage of these opportunities (as now). This ‘down one’ acceptance also means that those who use margin should avoid the temptation of being ‘over-margined’.

A popular feature at our website is ‘My expectations for the Future’. It is frequently updated and you might consider reading it on a monthly basis.

For the past 17 weeks we have posted our ‘Pick of the Week’, and this is also a free feature at our website that is drawing a lot of attention, along with an article titled: “Long-term charts.”

Happy trading!

Peter Degraaf

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