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Message: gnbt


posted on Dec 16, 2009 09:02PM

unless I'm terribly blinded by this stock I think it makes it's way to a buck....normally, if you say remember eght and neng, when i was saying they would do the same thing...they offered numerous trades from say .70 to a buck until they were finanlly taken over to be held for the 10 consecutive day ruling to satisfy the listing requirements. I would expect no diff. here.....this should cons for a short period here....there is a gap on the daily that may or may not need to be filled at this point.....anyhting below .54 would be a red flag.....anything above .65 and espec .69 is a green flag........now this is a bioteck and is high high risk.....but news has been good and if they get fda approval for oralyn then I suspect this will not be under a buck but for a nano second....but again very high risk..

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