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Message: Squawk Box email and response - just have to share!

Squawk Box email and response - just have to share!

posted on Dec 22, 2009 08:19AM

This is about Squawk Box a/k/a Tout TV by Peter who often comments rather negatively (and justifiably so) - I just had to share my email to them and their response with my blogger friends here. (Not sure whether I will also share on Peter's blog given how negative some of them can be - don't want to risk their ire so close to Christmas!) Anyhow, they had a great guy on that runs Oppenheimers International Bond Fund by the name of Art Steinmetz. YTD return is 13% and 1 year is 19.5%. There was no fooling around with him. He was giving his take on bonds, currencies, and future investing ideas. Unfortunately they cut him off short and even had to apologize due to their rude cut off. Basically before they cut him off he said he saw a rate increase in 3rd or 4th quarter and then it will be "katie bar the door." He said balance sheets are better in Emerging Markets that Developed countries like the US. Even though he's a bond guy he thinks better returns will be in stocks...I think he was going here on where he saw rates going but then he got cut off. I couldn't hold myself....I just had to email them and here it is....hope it gives you a smile this morning....it did me.....


Kernen, Joe (NBC Universal, CNBC) (joe.kernen@nbcuni.com)

Thanks mrs steinmetz

-----Original Message-----
From: susan

Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 7:31 AM
To: Squawk
Subject: Squawk Box Email

Your Question or Comment: I am watching your show this morning and can't
believe that you had the most knowledgable guy on with the most specific
information and you cut him off! Art Steinmetz was giving us a brief on
international markets, currency trades and impact of interest rates both
on bonds and market. Unbelievable - and you cut him off short? Is your
show supposed to be about financials or not - I guess not. Sorely
disappointed am I at your lack of judgment! Maybe I will be able to
pick him up on Bloomberg.

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