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Message: Gold, natural gas, oil interview from Peter's blog

Gold, natural gas, oil interview from Peter's blog

posted on Dec 30, 2009 08:20AM

The following was posted by Ivan on Peter's blog....thought it a great interview and so wanted to share it here. I am also sharing what I posted in response to it below.


It’s funny as lately I have been thinking of buying some more oil related stocks and this confirms that down the road I need to do so to buy and hold longer term. I listened to an interview with Charles Maxwell, who some call the dean of oil, who said that later this year when prices come down a bit, people should consider buying oil sands stocks because of their long life reserves. There are two that come to my mind….SU and COSWF (Canadian Oil Sands) the latter pays around a 5% dividend with montly payments good for income seekers. I see from today’s headlines that the Canadian government has given the OK to PetroCanada to invest lots of money in the oil sands. Peak oil when it becomes more readily apparent should go a long way to dispelling the US’s concerns about buying what some politicians call “dirty oil.” The other thing to keep in mind as to natural gas is Exxon’s recent buy of a natural gas company. Of course part of Exxon’s motivation here might have been because their oil reserves are dwindling and per SEC rules they can book natural gas as oil on a certain ratio, but regardless it shows their intent to move bigger into this market.

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