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Message: gold/silver ratio

gold/silver ratio

posted on Jan 09, 2010 05:56AM

Bullion Master's Daily Commentary

January 8, 2010

Daily Commentary January 8, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Strawboss @ 6:42 AM

I am posting an updated gold:silver ratio chart so you can see the progression of what is taking place. It is so critically important to understand the ratio and what it means – not only for gold and silver, but, liquidity levels in general, whether you are an investor or a day trader. The ratio is my “guiding light” to the markets and has been for years.

As you can see, the indicators are suggesting further downside and the 18dma is getting close to crossing the 40 and 50dma to the downside. Assuming that happens, the ratio will accelerate its fall, which will probably be coupled with a rapid rise in the silver price (that may give us my $1 – $2 moves per day in silver), probably coupled with a rapid descent in the US Dollar.

Gold is forming what may end up being a cup and handle formation, which if it completes will target approx. $1375.

Silver is doing very, very well – not moving down in price much, even as the RSI falls. The unfortunate part is for those looking to buy, it isnt giving you much of a dip with which to add…But, I would suggest adding anyways on the dips.

There is so much money to be made in the mining shares (specific ones). Especially in the coming months. You would be wise to consider a very minor investment in one of the other services I provide that will give you insight into specially selected mining companies (gold, silver and explorers) with very specific recommendations as to when to buy, when to sell, when to add to a position. This is a very specific type of market, and it doesnt operate the way other ones does. I would hope that by now you have come to the conclusion that I do know what I am talking about as it relates to gold, silver, what is going on, etc… trust me when I tell you that all these things are going to manifest themselves in the mining shares – but, not in all of them. In fact, many of the mining shares are not going to participate in what is coming because of the nature of the embedded derivatives they are carrying. Even with record prices and output, they are stuggling to keep their head above water. They are being bled dry. If you dont know what you are doing, you may very well end up investing in companies such as that – without even realizing it, and then be left behind as the market advances and you are sitting there wondering why your stock isnt capitalizing like some others.

I have done my research. Years and years worth of it. I know what I am talking about when it comes to all things precious metals related – especially the mining shares. The prices I charge for the services I provide are definitely worth it – and for most of you, the prices are very, very modest.

We can make a lot of money together. Try my product. http:www.bullion-master.com/services.

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