I attached this newsletter I receive as it has a number of very good links you might find interesting.
February 11, 2010
Good Morning:
Faber/Levy Interview, World Debt, U.S. $/Banks/Jobs
Faber/Levy Interview
target="_blank">Boom, Gloom & Doom Report) and Jon Levy (
World Debt and Its Consequences
I recommend you take the time to read an article this morning titled ''. This is in my view a big-time 'think for yourself' article (with accompanying charts) for equity investors. As a result I have not summarized or otherwise commented on it. Estimated reading time 3 minutes - click here.
Roubini on the U.S.$
Nouriel Roubini, the New York University economist who predicted the current economic malaise - and who is likely not the Obama Administration's favorite economist, but I bet one whose outputs they read voraciously - is reported as saying the U.S. "Dollar Will Drop 15 to 20 Percent". I recommend you target="_blank">click here for detail.
2010 U.S. Job Gain Estimates
An article titled ' target="_blank">http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103029793592&s=770&e=001OaADqbC-oSN9Mf0KQaeQHYWTS-npdkq3hx2RYhosurU19NlRB7ETjPRFzXhoOwRfH501OV7LUHhsXug5879SEFGbdgm3r0gi7ULSHENb9e-tQTdGPPrhlxxOoDciZN8l" target="_blank">StockResearchPortal.com