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Message: Question about sites please

Question about sites please

posted on Mar 11, 2010 03:07PM

I am currently subscribed to Investors Business Daily. I no longer use it for trading as have basically confined myself more to the commodities given my concerns about the market. However I do find one aspect of it very useful and that is where I can put my currently held stocks in to their lists and at the end of the day, find out what the price did, % up or down in price, and % up or down over the average in volume that day. It is the volume calculation I find the most helpful as I don't have to eyeball the change, IBD calculates it for me. For example when GMO received their recent news the IBD list showed volume up 1586% for the day. I always eyeball the volume as if the price is going up on a big spike in volume you can usually bet some big money folks (e.g., mutual funds) are starting to buy which is a precursor for price appreciation.

Now here's the catch. My subscription is up at the end of the month and I don't want to pay $199 just for this information. So does anyone know another site that basically does the same thing? Where you list your stocks and it will tell you the % increase or decrease in the volume in trading for that stock that day?


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