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Message: Bullion Master [Daily Commentary]

Bullion Master [Daily Commentary]

posted on Apr 14, 2010 07:27PM

April 14, 2010

Precious metals look ready to run…

Filed under: Precious Metals Commentary — Tags: gold, silver — Strawboss @ 5:46 AM

Both gold and silver are looking very, very good at present on the 4 hour charts having defeated the very minor downtrend resistance and posting impressive rallies off the recent swing lows. Technically, they are poised to move much higher.

Ted Butler had a great interview I posted yesterday on a thread I post on at this location:


With the recent CFTC hearings, its possible that JPM will not continue with their naked shorting of gold and silver (price suppression scheme) which would be incredibly bullish as they would then have to buy in order to close out their existing short positions (introducing a massive buying presence into the market) as well removing them from the selling side on rallies (which will enable rallies to move much farther). Time will tell, but, JPM is definitely feeling heat now that they have been exposed in broad daylight for all to see. There are those of us that have been discussing this eventuality for years, but, none longer than Ted Butler. And now we are on the cusp of what we have envisioned for years actually coming into fruition.

An important point to keep in mind and remind yourself of frequently. This current run in PMs is mature (we are currently in wave 5 of 1 of MAJOR THREE). This ride up is going to be fast and furious (wave 5’s always are). This is NOT the time to add to your positions (unless you are day trading). Your positions should have been built long back. As this current wave matures, you want to be selling into strength (not yet though) of your paper assets (not your physical holdings). Once we peak out in this current wave, we are going to have several months of selling as we proceed with a wave 2 of MAJOR THREE correction. It is human nature to get excited when your positions are doing well, and the inclination is to add more to your existing positions in an attempt to boost your gains. You MUST control these emotions in order to successfully trade in gold and silver. Remember I am telling you this ahead of time so that when it happens, you are not surprised. When things seem utterly bullish is the time to sell – not buy. But, not yet. For now, we hold our positions and enjoy the ride while we prepare for the next move.

I would appreciate your support through the consideration of purchase of one of the products I have available at www.bullion-master.com/services. These products are designed to help you make better trades within the precious metals mining complex. These markets trade unlike any others in the world, and the rules of the game are different. My subscribers are doing well and I would be highly appreciative of your consideration to take my service for a test drive. This blog is an attempt on my part to demonstrate my “bonafides” as a resource you can trust so that your purchase decision has less risk. Your support makes the continuation of this blog possible. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

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