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Message: Jay Taylor interviews Ian McAvity who founded CEF, GTU

Ian McAvity who founded CEF, GTU and SBU, all closed end funds who hold gold and silver was interviewed by Jay Taylor. Interesting....big picture his take is:

*Sept. is the month when stock market crashes get started

*Thinks gold's next target is 1450-1500. We are no where near in a bubble. If we were to replicate what gold did in 1980, its price today would be $5480

*He suggests having lots of cash on the sidelines as by 4th quarter with the downtrend in the market we will be able to buy miners on sale.

*Does not like big miners....they do not outperform the price of gold and engage in expensive M&A. Instead likes GDXJ as it holds 60 juniors who will be takeover candidates for the larger miners.

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