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Message: MPV

Mountain Province Diamonds Inc.

(MPV-T, MDM-N $3.69)

Recommendation: Speculative Buy

Paolo Lostritto, P.Eng (416) 640-4951; plostritto@wwcm.com

Christopher Thompson, MBA, P.Eng (416) 847-3406; cthompson@wwcm.com

September 1, 2010

All values in C$ unless otherwise noted.

Current Price $3.69

Target Price (12-Month) $6.00

Target Return 63%


Old New

Rating n/a Spec Buy

Target. n/a $6.00

8% NAVPS n/a $6.07

5% NAVPS n/a $7.43

Company Profile

Mountain Province Diamonds Inc. is a

Canadian diamond development company

with a minority interest (49%) in the

Gahcho Kué diamond project, operated by

JV partner De Beers (51%). Extensive

technical work has been done on the project

culminating into a soon to be released

feasibility study. We believe Gahcho Kué’s

development is about to shift into high gear.


Canada’s Next Diamond Mine – Gahcho Kué

Project is about to Shift into High Gear

Maiden feasibility study expected to kick start market fervor.

Extensive technical work has quietly been done on the Gahcho Kué

project. First feasibility study expected by Q4/10 should capture attention.

Estimated IRR of +45% assumes US$933mm 100% LOM capital.

Pre-fabrication strategy still expected to take two years to construct.

Recent diamond price estimate equates to 8% NAVPS of $6.07 (f.d.f.f.).

De-risked, producing asset implies a three-year target of $12.00.

Once pre-production commences in H2/13, we believe the market should

be willing to pay 1.5x our projected 5% NAVPS in 2013 of $8.07

We are initiating coverage with Speculative Buy and $6.00 target.

Our $6.00 target is based on our est 8% NAVPS of $6.07. Likely

catalysts: feasibility and EIS submission by year-end. Permits by H1/12.

Investment Summary and Outlook

Given that De Beers is overseeing the engineering work at the Gahcho Kué

diamond project, we believe a higher valuation for minority partner

Mountain Province Diamonds’ is warranted once a clear timeline has been

established and broadcast to the market. We expect a maiden feasibility study

by JDS Mining to be released by Q4/10, followed by an EIS submission before

year-end. We believe the joint venture partnership will be focused on mobilizing

construction materials in anticipation of a positive decision by both the review

panel and the Federal INAC Minister to minimize the impact of seasonal weather

patterns. Consequently, we are expecting construction to begin by the spring of

2012 with initial commissioning in late fall of 2013. If our assumptions are

confirmed by the JDS feasibility study, we will likely lower our risk rating for

Mountain Province Diamonds’ shares. We have conducted an extensive

sensitivity analysis to try to assess the risk of our assumptions (Exhibits 2 & 3).

Once in the commissioning phase, we believe that Mountain Province

Diamonds should command a 1.5x multiple on an estimated 5% NAVPS of

$8.07 resulting in a share price of $12.00 per share (fully diluted and fully


Model Assumptions

Total life-of-mine ore fed to the mill is 35.3 million tonnes with an

average grade of 168 carats-per-hundred tonnes for a total of 59.3 million

carats fed to the mill. We assume that higher grades are fed during the

first three years (180 carats-per-hundred tonnes).

Construction commences in the spring of 2012 with first phase

commissioning in the fall of 2013. Pre-production capital assumptions

are US$677 million followed by sustaining capital for the life-of-mine

totaling US$256 million (both on 100% basis).

Plant is expected to process approximately 3.0 million tonnes-per-year or

8,500 tonnes-per-day.

We assume a gross value of US$134 per carat produced with 95% of the

diamonds recovered and operating cost of $65.50 per tonne (US$40 per

carat) assuming a 8:1 strip ratio life-of-mine.

Effective tax rate of 31% (after capital cost carry forwards expire)

• Above assumptions result in an estimated IRR of over 45% and 5% NPV

(project level attributable to MPV) of US$1,329 million. The pre-tax 8%

NPV (project level attributable to MPV) equates to US$1,014 million.

• To put these assumptions into context, the Diavik Diamond Mine was

designed to process 2.3 million tonnes-per-year at a capital cost of $646

million (including $88mm for pre-stripping) and sustaining capital of

$469 million LOM. The grades at Diavik were roughly double that of

Gahcho Kué but the value per tonne was only 30% higher. Operating

Mountain Province Diamonds Inc

Paolo Lostritto, P.Eng (416) 640-4951; plostritto@wwcm.com September 1, 2010 – 3

Christopher Thompson, MBA, P.Eng (416) 847-3406; cthompson@wwcm.com

Ryan Walker, M.Sc., Geol. (416) 640-4971; rwalker@wwcm.com

costs averaged C$170 per tonne at Diavik – likely higher due to

extensive pumping with the large dam.

• US$405 million in project debt provided by De Beers (100% basis) with

the balance funded from 49.792 million shares at $4.00 (49% basis).


We are initiating on Mountain Province Diamonds with a Speculative Buy

recommendation and $6.00 per share one-year target. We believe this

valuation has room to grow as the visibility for operating cash flow improves. In

addition, we will likely lower our risk rating once the JDS technical information

is made available. The primary drivers for our target will likely be meeting

development milestones that should help de-risk Gahcho Kué over the next six

months as the joint venture publishes the first full feasibility study and submits

an Environmental Impact Statement for panel review. We arrive at our one-year

target by applying a 1.00x multiple on our estimated 8% NAVPS of $6.07 based

on an average diamond price of US$134 per carat and a capital cost of US$675

million (100% basis). Mountain Province Diamonds have full rights to market

their diamonds and should be able to command a premium similar to Aber prior

to the Harry Winston acquisition.

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