Welcome To the Stock Synergy, Momentum & Breakout HUB On AGORACOM

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Message: Congrats to everyone on this HUB...I just noticed that since

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm certain I've profited more from this board than I did from Peter's. With Peter's board, I always had to sift through all the political & religious stuff, and then every once in a while something was so off base, I got suckered into responding - which would prompt the bashers, etc., etc., etc. A dreadful waste of time. I don't even follow Peter's blog any more - I know that if there's anything useful, someone will mention it here. I just find this board much more fun & informative. I should also give some credit to Agoracom George - it's a very nice platform.

But most important, I think we should all be grateful for Ed - without him we would never have started this board. Funny, how these things work out.....

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