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Message: uranium

LAM Up 5.29%, MGA Up 5.19%, URE Up 8.81%, URZ Up 8.65%, UUU Up 6.24%, CCJ Up 2.94%, CXX Up 16.13%

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Another cracking day for uranium stocks with most of them putting on excellent gains and in some cases they have doubled in three months which is terrific for those who are in a position to acquire some of these beaten down stocks.

The above chart shows Laramide Resources Limited (LAM) up from a $1.00 in August to $2.20 as we write and it now appears to be in a steady upward trend. The STO has just turned positive and from a low level which is nice to see, hopefully an indication of things to come.

The chart below depicts the spot price for uranium which we can see is also trending north and lets hope that it continues as many investors are under water with stocks acquired at much higher prices. This is the second week in a row that the price has moved higher, we could see some serious action if uranium can push on to the $65/lb level.

A snippet from TradeTech as follows: November 12, 2010–The spot uranium price continued its climb upward for the second consecutive week, but failed to break through the $60.00 price barrier. Additionally, the pace slowed with TradeTech’s Uranium Spot Price Indicator moving higher by $1.75 to $59.25 per pound U3O8, as compared to the $5.50 and $4.00 per pound increases posted in recent weeks. A total of six transactions were concluded this week, with traders and financial entities purchasing the bulk of the material sold. China and its appetite for uranium supply continues to attract attention from market participants and the investment community, with the announcement today that China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group signed a contract with Kazakhstan’s Kazatomprom. Delivery timing continues to be a significant factor in the spot market. Near-term uranium supplies for delivery by year-end are extremely thin, and the emergence of significant mid- and long-term demand, combined with buyers competing to purchase material, continues to exert upward pressure on pric

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