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Message: Chris Klaus

Hi Ivan....had a busy morning other than stocks running family around...tis the season. Tue was very ob so i suspect it needs to cons....probably .28-.30....but if the correction got nasty and that area doesn't hold I'd throw some stink bids in at .18[ just a wishfull thinking area]...never know ....there is also .26 for a downside target...anyhow it'll probably not go straight down and will want to fill the gap it just made on the downside....but personally I'd consider the run peaked temporarily and see what it does in this correction. It was aiming for that res. area around .60 and if it makes a shallow correction and goes to test that then it will start looking real good.....if it breaks that then targets will be much higher.....for now unless you think uranium will have a new breakout.... focus on getting some buy opps for the next run which might be a lot larger...personally this looks good if it catches wind behind it;s back and goes for that .60 area res.... but until then your res. high is your goal to take out. So it may bounce and then contuinue down but as I say nothing to indicate this isn't a good play still for the long run but obv....the stink bid area at .18 will prob. never be hit....it's just wishful thinking and at this time of year sometimes I'll throw those in on something I want to see if I can catch a buy. St it's working out of the ob condition but may take some time because it was very ob on the weekly.....so cons. it will. The daily may form a H&S if it fills the gap giving a lower right shoulder....if that plays into a correction that is to be continued then the .26-28 area will come into play. If the h&s forms but doesn't falter and the rs is taken out by a higher trading day following it then most likely it would be negated and your .60 area come into play.....anyhow gl and I think I will add this to my uran. plays Im keeping an eye on.

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