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Message: From HRA on V.EVG

Evolving Gold (EVG-T, EVOGF-Qbb;
$1.15 on T) has wrapped up a busy reporting
period with news that its listing is
moving from the Venture board to the TSX
main board. It released some of its best
long gold intersections from the Rattlesnake
Hills project this month. The holes are from
North Stock, and they should have a positive
impact on both grade and strip ratio in this
target area. Two holes drilled from a new
pad through the center of the North Stock
located strong vertical continuity. One intersected
405 metres of 1.31 g/t, including
50.3 m at 5.87 g/t gold and the second
cut 334 metres at 1.12 g/t, including
93.0 m at 2.68 g/t gold. These are good
grades that start a few metres below surface.
Also of note is that the oxidization is
up to 150 metres deep in this area. There
are another 21 holes to report from this
year’s drilling. Rattlesnake is a complex
system, but the dots are starting to connect
in some areas in terms of both broad bulk
tonnage and internal higher grade zones.
EVG is still very active in Nevada. Evolving
announced a discovery hole from the100%
owned Jake Creek project there. Hole JC-
005 intersected 45.7 metres of 0.97 g/t
including 28.9 m of 1.33 g/t gold cored
on 1.5 m of 11.3 g/t. This is a previously
unexplored system. EVG has expanded the
size of the project and plans to resume drilling
there early next year. Exploration success
on two fronts and the addition of the
TSX listing helped continue the uptrend in
price EVG established last month. With a
more favorable view of its projects and no
short term financing needs EVG should be
able to hold its own going through year end.

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