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Message: Notes from Kingworld News and Korelin Interviews - FYI

With not much going on here in Michigan except blizzard like conditions, I had a choice. Either decorate the Xmas tree or listen to interviews. I chose the later hoping someone else around here will do the first. While my notes are no real substitute for actually listening to the interviews, I am posting them for what they are worth. I am also posting the links to the sites from whence I got them. Guess I will now have to go and toss around a strand or two of Christmas lights. I love those green lights the best!



James Turk – 12/11/10 Kingworld News

· Knows of several instances of Swiss banks refusing to turn over allocated metals. Not sure what is going on.

· Gold/silver is the bedrock in your investment portfolio

· Without any doubt in his mind, gold will return to its rightful role at the center of global commerce. It’s just a question of how it will get there. Probably will happen within 3-5 years.

· Probably have another 3-5 years of more worry until all bad loans are purged and we will then go back to gold/silver as an accepted currency.

· Don’t get hung up with short term volatility. We are in a major bull market and that will not change. Just put in place an ongoing accumulation plan for silver/gold without worrying about the prices. 2-3-5 years from now you will be glad of that approach.

Jean-Marie Eveillard – 12/11/10 Kingworld News

· US Fed policy could end up being wildly inflationary via money printing. Fed is seeking to achieve levering up the system once more so it looks like we have a sustainable economic recovery that might go on for several more years. He can’t rule out the possibility that the Fed will get lucky and be successful.

· If Bernanke has to he will go to QE3 which could hurt the bond market. What’s happened lately is either the end of the great bond bull market or an indication that folks are getting worried about Bernanke.

· We have been in pure paper system for about 40 years. We may be in last throes of international monetary system as it’s fraying at the edges as indicated by the $1400 gold price. This indicates that some investors want an alternative currency. Frankly gold reintroduced into system will only happen if central bankers have their banks against the wall – only if there are enormous troubles.

· He is a value investor. If bond bull is almost over then that leaves equities which hold real assets. His fund, First Eagle Funds, is still finding equities they like.

Bill Fleckenstein – 12/9/10 Kingworld News

· Fact that World Bank chief mentioned use of gold to support currency shows that people are starting more to consider the alternatives. There will be unwanted rising interest rates likely next year.

· Big mistake people even Bill make is that all of a sudden when what you believe in gets more popular so that those in early get concerned and sell to book profits way too early. There is no alternative to gold and won’t be for quite some time when the Government gets more responsible.

· Path we are on can only end one way just as it did with the real estate bubble. There will be a funding crisis where the interest rates go up. Down the road the markets will take the printing press away from the Fed. May end up with a different currency system.

· He may end up having to sell his gold if it goes parabolic but doesn’t see that at this stage. Fed created problem in the first place therefore you can’t give them any credit for responding to it.

· You have to get things so insane and so broken that you have no choice but to come up with an alternative solution.

· You can’t say for sure what the exact price of gold should be. It is an alternative currency. When you think about it deciding whether to own gold versus paper is not a difficult decision.

Art Cashin – UBS (Kingworld News)

· You have got to worry about the bonds – we are already seeing higher mortgage rates

· This is happening despite Bernanke saying he was going to lower rates. Instead they have gone up which raises question of effectiveness of the Fed. Concern on the trading floor is that Fed has a loss on everything they bought. Luckily they don’t have to mark assets to market. The Fed’s losses may at some time in the future have to be picked up by banks which will have a negative impact on the recovery itself.

· Germany had a very poor bond auction this last week which is cause for concern. They have had 3 very bad auctions in a row. Appears that folks are telling sovereigns that they will need to raise rates to get buyers.

· Bull /bear spread moving to 40% danger zone. This bears watching. Historically this has been a warning signal.

· Gold had a big plunge on Wednesday. Lots of people who had chased the run up had put big stop orders on which then kicked in.

Peter Grandich – 12/11/10 (Korelin)

· Al Korelin devoting his Saturday program to the best of the best newsletter writers and started with Peter G. Was only in the business 3 years when he called Black Monday.

· Becoming extremely concerned with Bernake who looks to be out of control. Peter said he was very negative on the stock market long term. But, physical metals are going to benefit from this and much more than what he thought just 6 mos. ago.

Roger Wiegand – 12/11/10 (Korelin)

· Editor of Trader Tracks. Had recommended trading in SLV and GLD but have not gotten away from that as more folks become concerned with them not holding actual metals.

· Think gold/silver market on the verge of another major breakout. For silver, the two months they like are the futures in March and May.

· Also likes the grains.

Jay Taylor – 12/11/10 (Korelin)

· Very bullish on gold miners – think it’s the bull market of a lifetime

· Measures gold against Jimmy Rogers Raw Material Fund. Shows that gold is buying more and more. You will see capital come further down “into the food chain” meaning ongoing buy outs.

Dr. Mark Skousen – 12/11/10

· Feels better about silver right now than gold as he’s not as confident about gold given the new Republican Congress might end up being serious about curbing its spending spree. Thinks silver will get over $30 (Korelin indicated that he is buying silver rounds on a monthly basis)

· His newsletter, Forecasts & Strategy, has beat the market in the last year, 5 years and 10 years according to Hulbert Digest. Been on a roll lately with PM, rare earths and Ford. Can go to Mark Skousen.com for more info

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