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Message: A charging Bull!


" One of the greatest bull markets in history

Financial Post Staff December 20, 2010 – 10:40 am

Record Highs Lie Ahead

By Leon Tuey

Recent market action is causing much anxiety. This past week, I received two mailings on the Hindenberg Omen again. Pundits are hyperventilating about sovereign loan defaults. After Ireland, their attention is focused once again on Spain and other European countries. The world seems to be filled with worryworts (which is bullish as the market always climbs a wall of worries).

The hesitant market action is not surprising. In early November, the market was grossly overbought and sentiment backdrop deteriorated as speculative enthusiasm was running high.

Accordingly, I felt that a short-term pause was at hand, but emphasized that the correction will be rotational. Investors were advised to concentrate on individual stocks and not be fixated with the gyrations of the major market indices as a powerful secular bull market remains intact.

Readers know that I’ve stated repeatedly that in terms of magnitude and duration, this bull market will surprise all. In fact, what investors are witnessing is one of the greatest bull markets on record. Within two years, the DJIA and the S&P will reach record highs. Beyond that, the S&P could well double from the current levels.

Lest you think I’ve taken leave of my senses, consider the following:

1. History shows that the more severe the economic downturn, the more powerful and more enduring is the subsequent bull market. This has been true for the last 100 years. One reason is that in a severe economic downturn, the Fed eases more aggressively and maintains an accommodative stance much long than normal.

Another reason is that corporations become leaner and meaner. Consequently, they are on sounder financial footings. Hence, when the economy rebounds, profit margins explode. Indeed, this is precisely what is happening. Not surprisngly, earnings have been beating estimates and continue to do so.

When the recovery gathers a real head of steam, earnings will explode. Also, the non-financial corporations are holding nearly $2-trillion in cash. The recent economic downturn is the worst since the Depression and in some respects, it matched the Great Depression. The strong market upturn, therefore, is not surprising.

2. The S&P 500 Index is a weighted index with techs and financials being the biggest weights. As shown in my previous reports, many of the large tech companies have broken out of long bases which point to a secular bull market. These stocks will reach heights investors will never believe.

Moreover, despite the spectacular gains achieved to date, these stocks remain attractive from a valuation standpoint as many are selling in the 12X-15X earnings multiples, but growing in the 18%-25% range and companies are sitting on mountains of cash. Amazon, Cisco, Intel, IBM, Microsoft, and Oracle are some examples.

3. Financial, the second biggest weight on the S&P, have become leaner and meaner. After more than 15 months of consolidation, the sector is re-accelerating and starting to show outperfomance. The bull market has resumed for the financials.

Given their heavy weighting, continue strength in the tech sector and the re-acceleraion in the Financials will give the popular market averages a huge lift.

4. Despite the widespread concern regarding the economy, many economy-sensitive issues such as Caterpillar, Cummins, Dupont, Genuine Parts, Eastman Chemical, Joy Global, Lufkin Indusries, United Technology, etc. are posting record highs. Also, many of the late-cycle sector such as aluminum, coal, energy, paper and forest, and steel have been bottoming and are starting to turn up.

Clearly, action of these economy-sensitive stocks are telling investors that growth is re-accelerating. Indeed, this week, Alan Greenspan is predicting 3.5% growth in 2011. As normal, at this stage of the cycle, strength broadens.

5. Sentiment backdrop is ideal for a powerful, enduring bull market. In the last ten years, investors have been traumatized by two huge bear markets – the burst of the tech bubble and the burst of the financial bubble. Pain remains fresh in their memory. Consequently, it will take much longer for euphoria to retun (which always occurs at major market tops).

Although the bull market is more than two years old, investors remain wary and keep finding things to worry about. This is bullish for the market always climbs a wall of worries. When investors stop worrying and beome euphoric, that is the time to really worry.

6. As the broad market measures such as the NYSE Advance-Decline Line and the Value Line Arithmetic Average have been posting record highs and for reasons cited above, record highs lie ahead for the S&P and for the DJIA. Moreover, I would not be surprised to see the S&P doubling from its current level before this bull market end.

Investors must appreciate the fact that the economy doesn’t lead the stock market. The market leads the economy for the market is a leading economic indicator. When the economy is booming and full employment is at hand, the market is about to roll over.

The “deflationists,” the “double dippers,” those who were babbling about “head-and-shoulders” top, the “Death Cross,” the “Hindenberg Omen,” and those who told investors to “sell everything” earlier this summer, clearly don’t have any understanding or appreciation of the points detailed above. They are too busy trying to impress people wih their “knowledge” (which is nothing more than garbage). To the bears, my sympathies.

Leon Tuey is a veteran technical analyst"

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