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Message: Winston’s Growth Stock Report Your Source for High Potential Stocks Issue 14 A

Winston’s Growth Stock Report

Your Source for High Potential Stocks

Issue 14 April 8, 2011

The big news this week is that gold is reaching new record high prices as it moves ever closer to a new psychological benchmark of $1500. The main driver is the worsening U.S. debt which we’ve been hammering home for over 10 years now plus in more recent years the growing problems in the European Union.

I have read some interesting articles this week from diehard gold guru’s who are making pains to tell their followers, “no this is not a bubble in the price of gold.” I couldn’t agree more.

Some sure fire indicators that we are nowhere near seeing a top for gold are that we haven’t seen huge spikes in the price of gold, the mainstream media seems oblivious to gold’s stellar movement over the last ten years, and the vast majority of investors still aren’t investing in gold assets of any kind.

This last point is interesting. Though we’ve been making excellent returns in the gold sector with our venture stocks, most investors don’t even have shares in blue chips like Barrick Gold. In our world where we are consumed with resource deals, you would think the average investor would at least be buying conservative gold assets.

One of the world’s leading gold analysts is Eric Sprott who in a recent report cited that the amount of new investment into gold since 2000 is about $250 billion. That seems significant however the amount of new capital flowing into all other asset classes came to about $98 trillion.

Data from the CPM Gold Yearbook (2011) really drives home the point of how gold is largely overlooked by general investment community. In 1968 gold represented 5% of all financial assets. By 1980 the percentage fell below 3%. Since 1990 the ownership percentage for gold fell below 1% and has stayed there ever since.

Gold has a very long way to go. And this is good news for our venture stocks as they near production in a bull market.

Hathor Exploration (HAT, TSX) Now on the Big Board

On Tuesday HAT moved from the Venture exchange to the big board in Toronto. This means those institutional buyers who wanted to buy HAT but couldn’t because of their “venture” status, can now do so.

Also of significance, Hathor announced that it has received three Mineral Leases from the Saskatchewan government covering its Roughrider uranium claims. This is important because you cannot enter into commercial production in Saskatchewan without a Mineral Lease. The last Mineral Lease issued by the government for mines in the Athabasca Basin was in 1985.

Hathor is just another step closer to what I believe will be a commercial operation.

It seems like our timing adding to our position during the recent selloff was near perfect.

Wildcat Silver Corp. (WS, TSXV) Strong Buying

Shares of Wildcat have performed surprisingly well this year as cashed up Ventana shareholders seem to be flooding in hoping for more of the same magic from the respective management group.

It doesn’t hurt that the drill results are positive either. A few days ago some very good results were reported featuring one drill hole with 37 meters of 407 grams per tonne of silver, 14.6% manganese, 2.01% zinc and 2.3% lead.

Step out drilling is continuing to show continuous mineralization in all directions.

We are holding free shares.

Stock List

AQM Copper (Apoquindo) (AQM) April 24, 2009 54 cents; holding Dec 9/10 sell $1.02 hold Free shares.

Catalyst Copper (CCY) Entered Jan 6/10 25 cents; accumulating

Donner (DON, TSXV) Dec 4/09 heads up alert 0.15 cents, Jan 17/10 doubles holding free shares

Edgewater Exploration (EDW, TSXV) Entered June 28/10 90 cents accumulating

Encanto Potash (EPO, TSXV) Entered July 31, 2009 .027 holding; Feb 11 2011 doubles Take Profits, holding free shares.

Endeavour Mining (EDV, TSX) Entered Feb 4/10 $1.73; Profits taken Ap 9@ $2.42 Holding Free Shares

Grand Colombia Gold Corp (GCM, TSX) accumulating Dec 3/10 $2.24

Hathor (HAT, TSXV) Top Uranium Pick Entered March 28, 2006 $1.32; Ap 21/08 sold $2.64, Oct 21/10 sold $2.33 holding free shares. Bottom Fishing March 17/11 @ $1.70

Nevsun (NSU, TSX) Feb 4/10 Buy Alert 2.19, profits Oct 20/10 $5.39 holding free shares

New Gold (NGD, TSXV) Dec 29/08 Best Speculative Pick $1.76; June 11/10 doubles holding free shares

Orsu Metals (OSU, TSXV) Bottom Fishing Pick July 23/10 @16 cents, Sell Oct 3 @32 cents and holding

Petroamerica (PTA, TSXV) Nov 6, 2009 Speculative at 70 cents, Jan 8 new pick accumulate slowly 71 cents; Oct 16/10 buy @0. 405 cents; accumulating

Petromanas (PMI, TSXV) Feb 24/10 30 cents. Profits taken Apr 9/10 @ 72 cents; holding free shares; May 2/10 re-accumulating at 33 cents

Potash One (KCL, TSX) Top Potash Pick Entered May 14, 2008@ $3.19 holding Nov 22/10 buyout announced at $4.50 per share

Prima Colombia Hardwood (PCT, TSXV) Introduced March 7 @ 0.285 accumulating

Uracan (URC, TSXV) Speculative Uranium Pick Apr 30, 2010 Alert 18 cents; holding

Ventana Gold (VEN, TSXV) Entered Mar 18/09 $1.33, holding free shares. Buyout bid Nov 17/10 @ $12.6; Revised buyout price February 14/11 @ 13.06

Wildcat Silver (WS, TSXV) Entered July 10th, 2009 0.485 holding; Sell Alert February 14/11, Feb 15 close 88 cents. Holding Free shares

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