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Message: SQI - WSJ Report "The Stakes Are Real in the Yukon As a Modern Gold Rush Is On"

On my way to Tennessee with a stop in Louisville, KY at a coffee shop, the Wall Street Journal front page yelled out to me (and you too).....about the Yukon rush. While it did not speak specifically to SQI we do know from Peter that they hold huge land holdings there. The word is getting out if its in the front page of the Wall Street Journal! Just to give you a flavor of the article it starts....."Denis Jacob has been staking claims for gold company clients since 1975,, but he's never seen a frenzy quite like the one playing out in the Yukon-Canada's western most territory and the site, more than 100 years ago, of one of history's greatest gold rushes. Mr. Jacob is part of a small secretive band of "stakers," who hike miles at a time across the territory's mountainsd and forests, . . . stakers have done what they typically don't: they've worked straight through the harrowing Yukon winter. Some recent discoveries of gold here have stoked activity."

Wish I had more SQI!

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