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Message: Market Musings

June 1 turned out to be the best before date on the US market - not June 3 as I initially guessed (as Maxwell Smart would say - missed it by that much!), lol. Currently, market is oversold enough to generate a 3-4 day bounce, but not enough for a true intermediate bottom. Another week like the last 2 would likely do the trick, but Mr. Market rarely makes it that easy. I think it's more likely we get a bounce this week, then continue the choppy sideways/down action for at least another month, possibly 2. It's hard to make money in markets like this unless you are a day trader. Personally, I'd rather get outside & enjoy the summer. For now, I'm keeping a large amount of cash, putting in stink bids, and generally just playing around the fringes.

Junior Resource stocks: The 1 year chart of the Venture looks like the cross-section of a mountain - the leeward side not yet complete. It has given back almost half of the gains from that great run from last July (I think most of us have fond memories of that run). This year, Venture is down more than 15% year-to-date and 20% from its March peak. Currently sits where it did at the end of last October. Point is, these are stocks to trade rather than hold. Very high beta - own them when the markets are strong, sell when the market weakens. If you can pick stocks that will buck the trend, more power to you - I don't even try.

Overall, I don't think the bull market is over, and I suspect we will get another nice run later in the year (probably not as good as last year, but well worth playing). Perhaps in another month or 2 it will be time to pile back in.

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