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Timmins Gold Intersects Gold Below the Open Pit and Along Strike at San Francisco Gold Project

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - July 14, 2011) - Timmins Gold Corp. (TSX:TMM) is pleased to announce that its ongoing drill program continues to extend, expand and deepen the mineralization at the San Francisco Gold Mine, located in the State of Sonora, Mexico.

During the four months from March to the end of June, 2011, the Company completed 38,623 metres of reverse circulation drilling in 268 holes and 10,015 metres of core drilling in 26 holes. The ongoing drill program is focused around the existing pit in a zone 2 kilometres E-W by 1 km N-S, and also beneath the presently planned pit depth of 240 metres. Drilling has also started around the La Chicharra pit 2 kilometres to the west of the San Francisco pit. Significant gold values have been intersected in all directions around the San Francisco pit including beneath the planned San Francisco pit bottom.

As a result of the success of the ongoing program the Company has expanded the drill program and has on site 6 reverse circulation drill rigs and 3 core drill rigs, one of which is capable of drilling to depths of 1,000 metres. The Company has engaged independent consulting firm Micon International Inc. of Toronto to provide an updated NI 43-101 Reserve and Resource Estimate which will incorporate assay results obtained from over 85,000 metres of drilling conducted from June 30, 2010 to July 15, 2011.

Significant mineral intercepts from the program around the San Francisco pit are as follows: 4.57 metres of 11.932 gpt gold and 39.62 metres of 1.613 gpt gold in Hole TF-1280, 6.09 metres of 4.27 gpt gold in hole TF-1099; 10.67 metres of 1.62 gpt gold and 6.09 metres of 1.43 gpt gold, both in hole TF-1100; 7.62 metres of 1.52 gpt gold in hole TF-1117; 6.10 metres of 2.28 gpt gold in hole TF-1119. Hole TF-1168 had multiple mineral intercepts including 6.10 metres of 1.65 gpt gold, 7.62 metres of 1.43 gpt gold and 4.57 metres of 8.31 gpt gold including an interval of 1.53 metres of 24.63 gpt gold. Hole TF-1196 intercepted three mineralized zones including, 4.57 metres of 3.25 gpt gold. Hole TF-1234 intersected 6.09 metres of 3.41 gpt gold and 6.10 metres of 1.082 gpt gold. Hole TF-1240 intersected multiple zones including 12.19 metres of 2.0 gpt gold, 3.05 metres of 8.294 gpt gold, 3.05 metres of 1.12 gpt gold and 7.62 metres of 1.40 gpt gold.

The drill program has included exploring below the currently planned pit bottom of 240 metres using reverse circulation drilling and core drilling for holes deeper than 250 metres. The returned assays indicate the mineralization is extending in parallel mineral bodies up to 40 metres in width below the currently planned pit bottom and has shown mineralized zones at depths of 100 metres below the currently planned pit bottom.

Results from deep core drilling underneath the planned pit bottom were very encouraging. The previously stated Hole TF-1280 intersected 4.57 metres of 11.932 gpt gold and 39.62 metres of 1.613 gpt gold. Hole TFD-90 intersected 4.50 metres of 2.219 gpt gold at a depth of 385 metres and Hole TFD-80 intersected 1.50 metres of 3.097 gpt gold at a depth of 421.50 metres. Directly underneath the planned pit bottom hole TF-1246 intersected 12.19 metres of 1.031 gpt gold and hole TF-1279 intersected several intervals including 4.57 metres of 1.036 gpt gold, 4.57 metres of 1.89 gpt gold and 6.09 metres of 2.48 gpt gold.

The current exploration below the planned pit bottom supports the theory from the Company's geological team, that the mineralized system may extend to greater depths. This is consistent in "Mesothermal" systems, which have significant depth extent, and have the potential to yield high grade feeder systems at depth.

Core drilling continuing along strike in a zone 600 metres to the east of the pit returned values as high as 25.5 metres of 1.908 gpt gold in hole TFD-71. Results of holes in this new zone are confirming the continuity of the gold mineralization at least 600 metres to the East of the current pit limit. The Company has extended the core drill program in order to cover the next 400 metres to the east to determine whether the mineralization extends at least 1 kilometer to the east of the SF pit.

The table below highlights the better intercepts from the last four months of drilling:

Reverse Circulation Drilling
Drill                                            True
Hole                   From           To        Width           Au
Number                   (m)          (m)          (m)        (g/t)
TF-1092                1.52         9.14         7.62        1.602
Includes               1.52         3.05         1.53        5.257
Includes               7.62         9.14         1.52        2.455
TF-1099              105.16       111.25         6.09        4.270
Includes             108.20       109.73         1.53        5.820
Includes             109.73       111.25         1.52       10.810
TF-1100               47.24        57.91        10.67        1.620
Includes              50.29        56.34         6.10        2.621
And                   64.01        70.10         6.09        1.430
Includes              64.01        68.58         4.57        1.839
TF-1107               62.48        70.10         7.62        0.571
Include               62.48        65.53         3.05        1.274
And                  102.11       103.63         1.52        2.724
TF-1109               94.49       103.63         9.14        0.859
Includes             100.58       103.63         3.05        2.362
TF-1114               80.77        86.87         6.10        1.613
Includes              80.77        82.30         1.53        5.556
TF-1116              160.02       176.78        16.76        1.832
Includes             160.02       164.59         4.57        1.571
Includes             169.16       170.69         1.52       14.250
TF-1117              143.26       150.88         7.62        1.516
Includes             146.30       149.35         3.05        3.449
TF-1119               33.53        39.62         6.09        0.941
Includes              33.53        36.58         1.53        1.499
And                   83.82        89.92         6.10        2.283
Includes              85.34        86.87         1.52        7.777
TF-1122               73.15        79.25         6.10        1.503
Includes              76.20        77.72         1.52        5.212
And                  100.58       109.73         9.15        0.771
Includes             100.58       102.11         1.53        3.020
Includes             106.68       108.20         1.52        1.125
TF-1127               74.68        82.30         9.14        1.412
Includes              77.72        80.77         3.05        3.075
TF-1129               45.72        48.77         3.05        1.143
And                   96.01       100.58         4.57        4.541
Includes              96.01        97.54         1.53       10.985
TF-1152               15.24        24.38         9.14        4.368
Includes              21.34        24.38         3.04       12.760
TF-1158               47.24        53.34         6.10        1.829
Includes              48.77        53.34         4.57        2.176
TF-1159              100.58       108.20         7.62        1.035
Includes             105.16       106.68         1.52        3.269
TF-1162              138.68       147.83         9.15        0.938
Includes             140.21       141.73         1.52        2.713
Includes             144.78       146.30         1.52        1.200
And                  155.45       163.07         7.62        1.430
Includes             156.97       158.50         1.53        6.052
TF-1168                0.00         6.10         6.10        1.649
Includes               4.57         6.10         1.53        4.818
And                   18.29        25.91         7.62        1.492
Includes              21.34        24.38         3.04        2.940
And                  103.63       108.20         4.57        8.308
Includes             103.63       105.16         1.53       24.633
And                  138.68       150.88        14.20        0.470
Includes             140.21       141.73         1.52        0.928
Includes             149.35       150.88         1.53        1.165
TF-1170               24.38        33.53         9.15        1.631
Includes              25.91        28.96         3.05        3.907
TF-1186               35.05        38.10         3.05        4.372
Includes              35.05        36.58         1.53        8.501
TF-1188               13.72        18.29         4.57        0.913
Includes              15.24        16.76         1.52        2.466
TF-1196                4.57        13.72         9.15        0.695
Includes               7.62         9.14         1.52        2.696
And                  103.63       108.20         4.57        3.253
Includes             103.63       105.16         1.53        8.547
And                  135.64       143.26         7.62        0.682
Includes             135.64       138.68         3.04        1.199
TF-1204              112.78       118.87         6.09        1.175
Includes             117.35       118.87         1.52        2.991
TF-1207               73.15        79.25         6.10        1.381
Includes              77.72        79.25         1.53        4.836
TF-1209                9.14        13.72         4.58        1.159
And                  120.40       126.49         6.09        1.008
TF-1210               36.58        41.15         4.57        1.184
TF-1216              128.02       132.59         4.57        2.935
Includes             128.02       129.54         1.52        8.285
And                  149.35       152.40         3.04        0.877
TF-1220              128.02       149.35        21.33        1.063
Includes             141.73       144.78         3.05        3.669
TF-1222              126.49       141.73        15.24        0.477
Includes             126.49       128.02         1.52        1.223
Includes             134.11       135.64         1.53        1.338
TF-1234               36.58        42.67         6.09        3.410
And                   62.48        68.58         6.10        1.082
And                   74.68        97.54        22.86        0.586
Includes              79.25        83.20         3.95        1.442
TF-1236               47.24        53.34         6.10        1.253
Includes              48.77        51.82         3.05        2.338
TF-1240               50.29        62.48        12.19        2.001
Includes              57.91        60.96         3.05        8.294
And                   82.30        85.35         3.05        3.117
And                   88.39        94.49         6.10        0.449
Include               89.92        91.44         1.52        1.296
And                  105.16       112.78         7.62        1.398
Includes             111.25       112.78         1.53        4.836
TF-1251               83.82        88.39         4.57        1.537
Includes              85.34        86.87         1.53        4.148
TF-1254               30.48        45.72        15.24        0.726
Includes              30.48        32.00         1.52        2.653
Includes              44.20        45.72         1.52        1.174
And                  100.58       114.30        13.72        0.710
Includes             109.73       112.78         3.05        2.932
And                  137.16       140.21         3.05        0.973
Includes             138.68       140.21         1.53        1.828
TF-1259               54.86        65.53        10.67        1.150
Includes              57.91        60.96         3.05        2.667
TF-1270                3.05         6.10         3.05        5.693
And                   18.29        19.81         1.52        3.305
And                   59.44        62.48         3.04        0.620
And                   68.58        77.72         9.14        0.521
Includes              73.15         76.2         3.05        1.194
And                  132.59       134.11         1.52        0.237
TF-1278               21.34        48.77        27.43        1.401
Includes              21.34        24.38         3.04        2.958
Includes              28.96        39.62        10.66        1.909
And                   57.91        70.10        12.19        1.637
Includes              60.96        67.06         6.10        2.773
And                   83.82        88.39         4.57        0.446
Includes              83.82        85.34         1.52        1.101
And                  102.11       103.63         1.52        0.266
And                  106.68        108.2         1.52        0.214
And                  124.97        146.3        21.33        0.393
Includes             128.02       129.54         1.52        1.218
TF-1279                0.00        18.29        18.29        0.536
Includes               6.10        10.67         4.57        1.036
And                   24.38        27.43         3.05        0.233
And                   33.53        36.58         3.05        0.296
And                   51.82        56.39         4.57        1.899
Includes              51.82        54.86         3.04        2.775
And                   60.96        64.01         3.05        1.084
Includes              60.96        62.48         1.52        1.777
And                   68.58        76.20         7.62        0.565
Includes              71.63        73.15         1.52        2.140
And                   80.77        83.82         3.05        0.214
And                   89.92        96.01         6.09         2.48
Includes              89.92        94.49         4.57        3.259
And                  111.25       115.82         4.57        2.336
TF-1280               15.24        30.48        15.24        1.431
Includes              25.91        27.43         1.52        9.798
And                   33.53        42.67         9.14        0.762
Includes              33.53        36.58         3.05        1.799
And                   56.39        68.58        12.19        0.647
Includes              56.39        57.91         1.52        1.683
And                   73.15        76.20         3.05        0.226
And                   88.39        92.96         4.57       11.932
Includes              88.39        91.44         3.05        17.57
Includes              89.92        91.44         1.52       25.674
And                  106.68       141.73        35.05        1.807
Includes             109.73       118.87         9.14        4.456
TF-1282                0.00         9.14         9.14        1.982
Includes               6.10         9.14         3.04        3.659
And                   24.38        35.05        10.67        1.778
Includes              32.00        33.53         1.52        9.013
And                   77.72        79.25         1.52        0.356
And                  129.54       140.21        10.67        0.343
Includes             132.59       134.11         1.52        1.039

Core Drilling
Drill                                            True
Hole                   From           To        Width           Au
Number                   (m)          (m)          (m)        (g/t)
TFD-71                68.00        99.50        31.50        1.570
Includes              68.00        93.50        25.50        1.908
Includes              80.00        83.00         3.00        4.740
Includes              90.50        93.00         3.00        4.696
And                  138.50       146.00         7.50        0.602
TFD-72                36.00        39.00         3.00        0.942
And                   49.50        54.00         4.50        1.483
Includes              51.00        54.00         3.00        2.038
And                  181.50       184.50         3.00        0.949
TFD-75                96.00       100.50         4.50        3.136
Include               97.50        99.00         1.50        3.136
And                  115.50       118.50         3.00        8.868
Includes             117.00       118.50         1.50       16.969
And                  175.50       181.50         6.00        0.722
Includes             178.50       180.00         1.50        2.260
And                  205.50       208.50         3.00        2.369
TFD-81                48.00        60.00        12.00        1.813
Includes              55.50        60.00         4.50        3.331
TFD-83               139.50       144.00         4.50        1.841
Includes             139.50       141.00         1.50        4.672
TFD-85               150.00       159.00         9.00        2.176
Includes             153.00       154.50         1.50       10.268
TFD-89                51.00        58.50         4.50        0.880
And                  150.00       153.00         3.00        1.696
And                  177.00       186.00         9.00        0.437
Includes             177.00       178.50         1.50        1.795
And                  216.00       220.50         4.50        2.118
TFD-90               120.00       145.50        25.50        0.424
Includes             120.00       123.00         3.00        1.179
And                  240.00       268.50        28.50        1.058
Includes             240.00       246.00         6.00        1.470
Includes             253.50       256.50         3.00        2.674
Includes             264.00       265.50         1.50        2.889
And                  289.50       292.50         3.00        5.537
And                  315.00       336.00        21.00        0.571
Includes             315.00       316.50         1.50        2.603
Includes             321.00       322.50         1.50        1.308
And                  367.50       399.00        31.50        0.721
Includes             373.50       375.00         1.50        1.998
Includes             385.50       387.00         1.50        1.264
Includes             388.50       393.00         4.50        2.219
And                  462.00       469.50         7.50        0.450
Includes             468.00       469.50         1.50        1.465

The size of the gold mineralization zone, its presence within large shear zones and the continuous nature of the gold within these zones form the basis of management's expectation that the ongoing drill program could lead to a significant increase in the mineral resource at San Francisco and could potentially also lead to the discovery of additional satellite deposits within the existing land package.

The samples collected during the drilling were prepared by The Company and assayed by Inspectorate Lab using fire assay and AA finish Gold values above 10 g/t Au are re-assayed and checked by fire assay and gravimetric finish. Strict sampling and QA-QC protocol were followed to ensure the best practices in sampling and analysis of the drill samples. Duplicates, standards and blanks were inserted into the sampling stream at intervals of 25 samples.

About Timmins Gold

Timmins Gold Corp. is a gold production and development company. In April 2010, Timmins Gold commenced commercial production at its wholly owned San Francisco gold mine in Sonora, Mexico. Timmins Gold has projected production at a rate of approximately 100,000 ounces of gold per year at a life of mine cash cost of approximately $489 per ounce. (Micon International Preliminary Feasibility Study, November 2010).

This press release was reviewed and prepared by Lawrence A. Dick, Ph.D., P.Geo, a director of the Company, who is recognized as a Qualified Person under the guidelines of National Instrument 43-101 and by Miguel Soto, P. Geo., a director and the COO of the Company. For further information contact Timmins Gold Corp. at 604-682-4002 or go to the website at www.timminsgold.com.

On behalf of the Board:

Bruce Bragagnolo, LLB, Chief Executive Officer

This News Release contains forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements which relate to future events. Such statements include estimates, forecasts and statements as to management's expectations with respect to, among other things, business and financial prospects, financial multiples and accretion estimates, future trends, plans, strategies, objectives and expectations, including with respect to production, exploration drilling, exploitation activities and events or future operations. Information inferred from the interpretation of drilling results and information concerning mineral resource estimates may also be deemed to be forward-looking statements, as it constitutes a prediction of what might be found to be present when, and if, a project is actually developed.

In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as "may", "should", "expects", "plans, "anticipates", believes", "estimates", "predicts", "potential", or "continue" or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. These statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our or our industry's actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.

While these forward-looking statements, and any assumptions upon which they are based, are made in good faith and reflect our current judgment regarding the direction of our business, actual results will almost always vary, sometimes materially, from any estimates, predictions, projections, assumptions or other future performance suggestions herein. Except as required by applicable law, Timmins Gold does not intend to update any forward-looking statements to conform these statements to actual results.

Neither the TSX nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

        Timmins Gold Corp.
		Bruce Bragagnolo, LLB
        Chief Executive Officer

Source: Timmins Gold Corp.
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