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Message: Cathartic moment for market arrives

Cathartic moment for market arrives

REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

An employee of the Tokyo Stock Exchange reacts as he works at the bourse in Tokyo August 9, 2011

Leon Tuey Aug 10, 2011 – 11:51 AM ET | Last Updated: Aug 10, 2011 1:09 PM ET

I won’t bore you about the debt debate, the S&P downgrade, the Euro debt problem, the U.K. riots or demonstrations in Israel. No doubt, you’ve been frightened enough, so I will cut to the chase.

As mentioned on numerous occasions, short-term market moves are dictated by technical and sentiment factors. If the market is overbought and bullish sentiment is widespread, the market will correct. Conversely, when the market is grossly oversold and bearish sentiment reaches an extreme, the market will rally. Period. Everything else is noise.

The market’s long-term trend, bull or bear, is determined by the monetary, economic, valuation, sentiment, supply/demand, and momentum factors.

Whither the market?

SHORT-TERM: In April, the market was grossly overbought and sentiment deteriorated (too many bulls). Hence, a correction ensued.

I confess that the ferocity of the decline surprised me, but then I underestimated the stupidity and recklessness of those on Capitol Hill.

As for sentiment, I’ve been inundated with telephone calls and e-mail from all over the world from anxious fund managers and brokers informing me that many of their clients want to get out of the market. This reminds me of the sentiment which prevailed in the final quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2009.

Clearly, investors are panicking worldwide, a condition associated with important market bottoms. But this week will likely be a cathartic one. Given the market’s grossly oversold condition and the excessive pessimism (panic), a low will likely be established and a “rolling bottom” will commence.

Confirmation came on Tuesday, August 9. The major market indices gyrated wildly throughout the session, but ended the session dramatically higher on sharply higher volume with the Dow Jones Industrial average up nearly 4%, the S&P gaining 4.7%, and the NASDAQ up 5.3%. That is a classic selling climax. Investors threw the baby out with the bathwater.

Many chartists are worried about the “head-and-shoulders” tops traced out by the various market indices. A majority of these indices have met or exceeded their downside targets. Moreover, most of them have pulled back to the highs of last summer where support is indicated.

I can hear the whines now: ”It’s a dead-cat bounce.” “It won’t last.” “After the rally, the market will test the low.”"A bear market has commenced and new lows lie ahead.”

Where the S&P will go or whether it will post new lows is anybody’s guess. My advice is to ignore the trash talk and buy as “the market” has reached a low-risk, high-reward juncture point. Waiting for the S&P to hit bottom before buying is a futile and pointless exercise.

Remember what Warren Buffett said: ”Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.”

Investors are fearful, very fearful. So be greedy.

LONG-TERM: One of the greatest bull markets on record remains intact (you can bet on it), as the major market factors (monetary, economic, valuation, sentiment, supply/feemand, and momentum) continue to give bullish readings.

On the monetary front, the Fed remains extremely accommodative. On Tuesday, it handed investors a gift on a silver platter as Bernanke announced that he will keep rates low at least through mid 2003. Hello? Anybody listening?

The monetary aggregates continue to grow by leaps and bounds and the yield curve remains positive and far from inverted. The time to panic is when the Fed tightens meaningfully and the yield curve is inverted.

How about the economy? Despite what the pundits say, forget the “double dip” nonsense. Investors never seem to understand and appreciate that the stock market is a leading economic indicator. Therefore, it tends to discount future events. The economy doesn’t lead the stock market.

The slowing economy, so evident to everyone, is already factored in as the market has been correcting since April (and earlier for many stocks). Given the Fed’s expansive monetary stance, however, growth will re-accelerate later this year.

As for valuation, by any metrics the market is cheap. As Ed Yardeni (one of the most rational economists around and with a great track recod) has shown, the S&P 500′s P/E stands at 10.4, the lowest level since March 6, 2009. The S&P 400′s (Midcap) P/E stands at 12.0, the lowest since March, 20, 2009. The S&P 600′s (Smallcap) stands at 12.7, the lowest since March 13, 2009.

Many of the blue-chips’ P/Es are below their growth rate. The earnings yield for stocks far exceeds fixed income returns by a wide margin.

Remember, in the first half of 2009, the market was still in a recession, but the economy has been recovering since.

Sentiment backdrop remains bullish. Although the bull market is nearly three years old and at its high, the S&P more than doubled its March 2009 low.

Yet, investors remain fearful and skeptical. Remember what Sir John Templeton said long ago: “Bull markets are born from pessimism; grow on skepticism; mature on optimism; and die on euporia.” Based on Sir John’s observation, this remains a calve and will grow into a full grown bull. I can hardlly wait for the euphoric stage!
In terms of supply/demand, cash is sky high. Because of investor caution, cash in money-market and savings accounts total $8.3 trillion. Also, corporate cash holdings stand at $1.26 trillion – a record. That represents humongous potential demand. When the economy gathers momentum, banks will lend and corporations will spend and expand. That will become self-feeding.

Accordingly, until the major factors turn bearish, investors should remain invested. The best is yet to come.

Leon Tuey is a veteran technical analyst

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