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New Stock Suggestion- Sandstorm Metals & Energy (TSX- SND – OTC- STTYF)

Posted on October 31, 2011 by admin
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If you are having trouble viewing this message, please go to http://community.icontact.com/p/futuremoneytrends/newsletters/trends/posts/new-stock-suggestion-sandstorm-metals-energy-tsx-snd-otc-sttyf For those that do not have trading accounts for Canadian listed companies, the American symbol is STTYF, however, it trades on the Grey market, so you will still have to use the TSX symbol SND as a guide to what the market price is.

[1]SND.V on Yahoo.com/Finance Remember this is a LONG TERM Idea with short term potential for a MAJOR breakout!!! For example, before the big market correction in August, SND traded at a high of 60 cents, a share price that is 40% higher than its current share price of 43 cents.

Symbol: TSX: SND & OTC: STTYF Share Price: $0.43 Website: [2]SandstormMetalsandEnergy.com Check the details out below, this one is a no-brainer! We have never been so excited to share a future trend company to our members, this one has our highest confidence and we`re not alone, 70% of its shares are owned by institutions. Call it smart money invested in future trends or following the footsteps of the elephants, this company in our opinion is probably the most undervalued company publicly listed.

In less than a year, they have closed 94 million in cash flow guarantees and they are still sitting on 40 million in cash with NO debt.

Sandstorm Metals and Energy (TSX: SND & OTC: STTYF) SND is a resource based company that seeks to complete commodity purchase agreements with companies that have advanced stage development projects or operating mines. SND helps other companies in the resource industry grow their business while acquiring attractive assets in the process. SND receives the right to purchase a percentage of the commodity produced for the life of the asset, at a fixed price per unit.

SND offers a method of financing to the resource industry that provides an innovative alternative to companies in search of capital and lower risk resource investment opportunity for investors. SND to sum it up, provides upfront cash to energy and metal companies in exchange for a percentage of future production.

The reason why we LOVE SND so much is because of their business model, written in their contracts is downside risk protection. For example, if copper was to plummet, it triggers a price agreement in their contract that they can never lose money.

Also, the fact that they owe no one anything also creates downside protection as they will not have to go to the market for financing. In fact, it will be just the opposite, as lending gets tighter, mining and energy companies will turn to SND for capital, at which point in time SND can lock in more great deals and future cash payments from the commodity sector.

The track record of their team speaks for itself, they helped build 12.7 billion dollar Silver Wheaton. They took Sandstorm Gold from 4 million just over 2 years ago, to over 400 million dollars today, and still growing.

Remember it is 1 team, two companies. Sandstorm Gold is their senior company, however, Sandstorm Metals and Energy (SND) is still basically at entry level pricing if you look at the share price history.

Projects (Cash Flow) 100% in North America! Donner Metals SND has acquired 17.5% of the life of mine copper produced from the Xstrata operated Bracemac-McLeod Property for an upfront payment of $20 million plus ongoing per pound payments equal to the lesser of $0.80 and the then prevailing market price per pound of copper. The ongoing payments are subject to adjustment if the spot price of copper falls below $2.75 per pound, in which case the payments will decrease and be equal to the lesser of $0.55 and the then prevailing market price per pound of copper. The copper purchase agreement was completed with Donner Metals, who are the owners of a 35% joint venture interest in Bracemac-McLeod. In addition to the upfront payment, SND is subscribing for 6,200,000 common shares of Donner at a deemed price of $0.35 per share. Donner has also agreed to issue $1.4 million worth of common shares to SND on June 30, 2012.

Royal Coal SND has agreed to purchase 18% of the first six million tons of coal produced, and 12% of the life of mine coal produced thereafter from the Big Branch Mine, the Big Branch Extension and the SID Mine for an upfront payment of $11 million plus ongoing per ton payments of $55, subject to certain adjustments.

Terrex Energy SND has agreed to purchase 25% of all oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids produced for the life of the Two Creek Jurassic A pool and for 5 years of the Two Creek Jurassic B and 15% of all oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids produced from the Strathmore property. SND has provided an upfront deposit to Terrex in the amount of $14.7 million plus ongoing per-unit payments of $15.00 per barrel of oil delivered, $1.00 per mcf of gas delivered, and $8.00 per barrel of natural gas liquids delivered. Sandstorm will also pay the direct transportation and royalty costs associated with its share of oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids.

Thunderbird Energy SND has acquired 35% of all natural gas produced from Gordon Creek for an upfront payment of $25 million plus ongoing per unit payments of $1.00 per mcf of gas delivered plus 20% of the market price received that is above $4.00 per mcf delivered. SND has granted Thunderbird the right to buy back half of the future production under the Agreement, until December 31, 2013, upon Thunderbird making a payment of $16.25 million to Sandstorm, upon receipt of which, the percentage of production Sandstorm Energy is entitled to purchase shall be decreased to 17.5%.

Their business model creates the following:

* Immediate cash flow * Multiple streams of income * Significant future cash flow growth/expansion * Risk diversification * Exposure to energy and base metals with income guarantees * Downside risk protection in contracts [3]MUST WATCH Interview for all members!!! [4] Former CFO of Silver Wheaton CEO of Sandstorm Gold and CEO of Sandstorm Metals and Energy CEO Nolan Watson is the former CFO of Silver Wheaton, one of the most profitable publicly traded mining companies to date. Almost 3 years ago he started a company called Sandstorm Gold, a company that went from 4 million to over 400 million and still growing. Less than a year ago, he and his team created the first diversified streaming company SND. Nolan has revised and tweaked SND`s business model to mimic Silver Wheaton and Sandstorm Gold, yet SND has even more protection when it comes to commodity price volatility.

Two part interview can be seen on our homepage at [5]http://www.FutureMoneyTrends.com For more information about Sandstorm Metals and Energy (TSX: SND & OTC: STTYF), visit their website at:

[6]SandstormMetalsandEnergy.com Focus on the trends, share our emails with friends and family.

*Disclaimer: FutureMoneyTrends.com staff

Read more: http://thestockmarketwatch.com/newsletters/2011/10/31/new-stock-suggestion-sandstorm-metals-energy-tsx-snd-otc-sttyf/#ixzz1eP94CXOZ

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