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Message: Trader Dan comments

The Party Continues

The binge continues unabated in today's session as both gold and silver bulls are giddy with delight over the FOMC statement from yesterday while bears are still trying to locate what is left of their trading accounts. Both metals are pressing higher as the US Dollar continues to plummet now that the Fed has basically given it the kiss of death once again.

Lost in this stupid euphoria over zero interest rates for the next TWO YEARS is the pathetic fact that the Fed has just consigned the savings accounts of all of our retired citizens and the elderly to the wastelands. How in the hell are they supposed to live off the fruit of their labors and enjoy their retirement SAFELY and without concerns when the monetary masters have just laid them on the altar and sacrificed them to the hedge fund gods?

This is the price we supposedly have to pay in order to watch the stock market rally - namely turning our entire generation of senior citizens into a band of wild-eyed speculators if they are to hope to obtain more than a pitiful 1% on their one year Certificate of Deposits in their local banks.

I wish that some one of these Republican presidential candidates besides Ron Paul would actually begin to deal with this madness head on. After all, we are talking about a primary in Florida, a state loaded with senior citizens and other retirees who were hoping to live off the interest yields on their savings and other CONSERVATVE investments. My view is that what the Fed is doing is downright criminal in the sense that it is plundering the wealth of those who have saved in order to prop up the rotten house of Dagon.

As a trader I have to deal with what the market gives me and what that is at the moment is a veritable orgy of risk asset buying by hedge fund managers. As a private citizen however I have to shake my head in dismay that this is now what passes for sound monetary policy and is conducive to lasting prosperity. Have we lost our collective minds?

As I stated yesterday, the end result of this FOMC green light to the speculative community is to borrow all the "free money" you can get your hands on, leverage that up at least 10:1, and plow it into commodities and other risk assets and have at it. Bring back that carry trade and let's get this party going as we are in an election year and we cannot have a sagging stock market or actually deal with the real problems associated with $16 trillion in debt.

Quo vadis America?

Gold Chart - Updated

Gold shattered overhead resistance near $1680 and has continued higher as momentum based buying is coming in driving out panicked shorts who were hoping for a halt in the advance to occur as the market encountered bullion bank selling originating at $1680. The FOMC made that a mirage as a zero interest rate environment for the next two years means an environment in which it pays to own gold. The yellow metal pays no interest but at this point, neither do short term Treasuries and those offer no protection from currency induced price increases. Just look at what is occuring across the commodity sector today as hedge funds now push the price of food, energy and metals in a northerly direction. Forget about tame inflation - that just vanished.

The sheer size and scope of this fund buying has driven out everything in front of it except for the strongest of shorts.

Gold has light resistance starting at $1705 (it is right on this level now) or so and extending towards $1720-$1725. The latter is the important 50% Fibonacci retracement level from the all time high to the recent double bottom down near $1535. The bears are going to make a stand near this level. If the fund buying remains as robust as it was today - the bears are going to be routed. Pushing through this cap will set it up to make a run at $1750. If the shorts can defend $1720 - $1725 then we should see a retracement back towards the $1700 level initially followed by $1680 where support should emerge.

By the way, the HUI and some of the gold stocks dodged a very big bullet today courtesy of the FOMC. They were in severe danger of breaking down technically.

click on chart to expand

Posted by Trader Dan

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