"Mountain Province also announced that preparations for the planned spin-out of the Kennady North project into a newly listed public company remain on track for mid-April 2012. Shareholders will receive further details of the proposed transaction and planned special meeting in March."
Now that is taking care of shareholders. Any attempt to buy GK and the suitor will only get GK.
Great move Evans
according to Kaiser this was never priced into the stock so shares are really free imo
Kennedy North..spinout portion
Commenting, Mountain Province President and CEO Patrick Evans said: "We are very excited about the large number of geophysical targets that have been identified at Kennady North. We expect the results from the MAG survey to provide excellent data to guide our planned drill program. Besides the excellent micro-diamond counts and size frequency distribution from the known kimberlites at Kennady North, a 0.40 carat diamond was recovered from a 65 kilogram sample taken from Faraday and the samples recovered from Faraday also exhibit an unusually high percentage of desirable yellow diamonds."