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Message: Grandich Client Update

Grandich Client Update

This is going to be a light week as I will be out of the office Wednesday and it shall be closed Thursday until next Tuesday.

While I hope to continue bringing updates on clients of mine, here’s a short thought on each client. Please realize we’re in the midst of one of the worse junior resource markets in my nearly 30 years in and around Wall Street:

Alderon Resources – Many of the pieces are coming together to package ADV like its dad Consolidated Thompson was. I suspect an off-take agreement isn’t too far off. Any dips under $3 are gifts for those who like me see a takeover at much higher levels.

Argus Metals – At just pennies a share, it’s hard to raise big money without diluting to death. Management has two credible projects but very good initial results on uranium project can be the difference maker.

Cap-Ex Ventures – A base has been built between $.90 -$1 and I suspect as we get close to the drills turning, we shall also see that base move up.

Crosshair Energy – Since the days of it being International Lima, we seemingly have been like a cat with nine lives (juniors never really die they just recapitalize-lol). While it’s nice to see the moratorium finally gone, I think CXX real future is in its projects south of the border.

Crescent Resources – Awaiting word from management on future plans.

Donner Metals – The transition from just explorer to emerging producer is underway. As the company gets closer to actual cash flow, we should see its shareholder base change and a revaluation unfold.

Enertopia Corp – We need to drill to get us in the game.

Excelsior Mining – Like many others, the share price appears not to be even close to fully valuing what’s unfolding at the company.

Garibaldi Corp – Waiting on news from company.

Geologix Explorations – Couldn’t ask for better news of late but in a market that doesn’t seem to care, pissing all over management (and its consultants) is a waste of good energy. Eventually a reasonable valuation should unfold so long as company stays focus on its goals and not the whining coming from people who show they shouldn’t be in the junior resource market in the first place.

Heatherdale Resources – The share price has sucked but project-wise there’s little to be mad about. As noted earlier, a gut-wrenching bear market has gripped the junior market and several of my clients are caught in its grip.

Lithium One – Again I (and I assume the company has too) had to endure the ill will of some shareholders who obviously don’t grasp the art of deal-making nor understand exactly how tough the junior resource market is these days. These are the likely sellers here and its best that they do. Meanwhile, the suitor stock is likely to stay halted until if and when it can complete its financing. This may allow another buyer to come knocking so I would hold here until further notice.

North American Nickel – This is perhaps one of the most intriguing big-elephant type hunts I played since the 1990s. A small bet by just about every junior speculator/gambler seems right at this time. The safari for riches shall begin this summer.

Northcliff Resources – It’s in that relative quiet period before becoming a significant producer but offers value to those who still think commodities will be needed in the future (all two of you).

Northern Dynasty Minerals – The biggest albatross of my life. My wife knows how to piss me off. She waits until I’m about to fall asleep and then reads me one of my former bullish comments on NDM. I’m then up for the night. Hopefully in 2012 we’ll finally know is this go or no go. You’ll have to take a number to ring me out if it’s a no go and Grandich family members shall be at the front of the line (right in back of my priest).

Oromin Explorations – Tick, tock, tick tock, waiting for the bell to ring and I wake up and learn there was indeed a takeover/merger.

Ridgemont Iron Ore – Back in the game and may be adding a few more game pieces so stay tuned.

Spanish Mountain Gold – I have committed a cardinal sin of mine by putting much of my investing capital into juniors and SPA is one that I’ve made a big gamble on. Like a few others here, I believe the market is greatly underpricing it and if I’m patient enough the reward for being so should follow. The question is do I have enough birthdays left to see it through-lol

Sunridge Gold – CHEAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Timmins Gold – CHEAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wits Gold – CHEAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zone Resources – Right place but can it get the job done? It wouldn’t be just 8 cents if that was near certain. Stay tuned.

Unfortunately, this describes more than a couple of CEOs I’ve known through the years.

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