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Message: Jim sinclair is always right


The $17 trillion that came into the system, in total, has gone into the hands of the winners on the derivatives. The flushing of Lehman made that a necessity. Those people with the money are not lenders. I would say that sitting in front of Goldman Sachs with a tin cup would not get you too far.

They don’t have a mindset for building. They have a mindset to reward destruction. So what you are seeing is the effect of simply putting money into a system, to fill a dark hole, out of which the money doesn’t come.

It doesn’t fund the ability to lend. And truth be known, because of FASB allowing the financial organizations, in the US, to value their over the counter derivatives at any value they choose to use, the balance sheets of the lending institutions are cartoons.

To expect that cartoon to resuscitate a housing market or to invest in business and have a significant impact on improving employment, you are out of your mind. It’s like the Grinch is going to come and lend. It’s not going to happen.

Once you start quantitative easing, such as we have, $17 trillion, how in the world do you pull back from it? How do you stop without having everything collapse behind you? Truth be known, Bernanke didn’t have a choice. If Bernanke did not do QE, this place would look like the day after (the movie) ‘Mad Max.’

I don’t support QE as being right, but I do understand its necessity. QE to infinity. If we’ve done over $17 trillion already, do you think we won’t do another $17 trillion? Of course we will. Denying it all the way, until the day. And when the day comes, QE will follow.”

As I said earlier, Central Banks together with Goverments have given money to destroyers, criminal minds, they will never give money back, it is gone forever, so as Jim said, QE to infinity, actually until dollar collapse and the end of funny money system, that's it, we saw that film already 2008, next time will be bigger desaster...


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