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Draghi Derails Gold

Apparently ECB President Draghi believes things are going so well over in Euroland that traders are "correct" in their perceptions that no near term stimulus is needed. Down went gold, and silver, and copper, etc. as money flowed out of those markets and elsewhere into I have no idea what based on the fact that the equity markets are lower and are the bonds. Let's call it mattress money flows.

Meanwhile data coming out ahead of tomorrow's payroll numbers are indicating that the report will not be particularly strong here in the US. It will be interesting to see if we get a weak number how gold reacts to it. Normally we would expect to see it lower on the risk aversion trades but if it actually moves higher on a weak number, it will be additional fodder for the notion that the weaker the economic numbers are in the US, the better the chances are of the Fed engaging in a third round of QE (at least as far as a growing number of traders believe).

Anyway, for whatever reason, once again gold could not make it past the $1680 level as it was not even able to make it any higher than $1672 before the buyers stepped aside. Having fallen back below $1650 is short term negative however and now we will need to see whether or not it will fall as deeply as the $1620 level or lower where previously buyers have made their presence known.

The mining shares are lower today (Gee what a surprise - do these things ever go higher anymore) but remain above 420 in the HUI. Perhaps we will get a bounce from that level and confirm it as a bottom. We simply have to wait and see.

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