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Message: Jeb on Uranium

I'm with wolfster. Peter has made alot of people money on his calls. The bad timinig of some of the last calls caught some off gaurd including myself so patienece will be a virtue but that doesn't make them wrong calls. Personally I'm glad to have the expertise of someone like him offering guidence. I don't think there's anyone out there that is making home runs with their calls. I've followed Grandich for many years now and will continue to do so. As far as Jeb H....not sure, we're in a very bearish enviroment so it's difficult for anyone to look good. Any article posted as usual, one must take what he can use and disregard the rest. Gosh even some of the oil/gas analysts that I really like have made recs. that would have caused severe damage in my portfolio if I would have jumped in. Doesn't mean I'll stop listining to what they say. This market is not operating on all 8 cylinders and until then we must be very very cautious especially in base metals due to a very cloudy growth outlook. If that clears then we may have some decent buys to sort thru.Sorry candide001, I respect that you have your opinion on these guys but definately don't agree with the comment on Peter. It takes alot to make calls/forcasts and stick to them in this type of enviroment and I respect that he sticks to his thru thick and thin. Only time will tell for calls made by any of them and if they're calls made based on the companies fundamentals then eventually market willing they will be marked up and if they're calls made forcasting the future direction of things to come, then that's a whole can of worms in itself with many influencing factors. Personnaly I remain very cautious and hope this fall will show signs of a renewed investment atmosphere.

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