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Message: Re: Hey Klaus
Jul 24, 2012 05:59PM
Jul 24, 2012 07:00PM

Well I guess you might have sized up my reply as a worshipper. I can only say , I listen to all types, try and sort out what I think is logical from the info that Peter or others give, track the chosen few and invest where I feel it is worthy of my time, no hitches, no love affairs, nada. As far as Peter goes, I said I followed him for awhile..over 10 years or more I believe. Not to go back down memory lane and tally profits and losses, but I'll just mention 4 of quite a few that rung the big winners bell for me that came directly from him,,,northern dynasty, annoorog, silverquest,rodina....not sure if I spelled that second one correctly off hand. I mention these because they will be fresh in most readers minds on this hub. So worshipper....no...common sense to me...he may get paid on some, yes, who cares, he also does the due dillegence far more in depth that most of us can, and puts his money where his mouth is to boot. Most can't say that when they mention stocks, nor can they say they've done in depth dd beyond what any article or analyst has mentioned about the stock. If Peter was a race horse, since he likes racing, I'd bet on him more often then most...why...simple because he has brought home more wins then anyone I personally know and in one of the most difficult sectors bar none..well except for bioteck..lol...anyhow for me, he plays in the sector I do, and he makes sense to me, he has given me way more wins then losses and yes I have a few of his in the red currently but I'm not one that can't see the forest just because there's a few trees in the way...so personally, not a worshipper of anyone, I just like the returns to date on that race horse I keep following and just because the investment world is turned on it;s ass currently, does not mean any one analyst has lost his way, no to me it's like a ship that hit a patch of fog and eventually that fog lifts and the way becomes clear again. Maybe this time we are in a serious bear market with long term ramifications, well we have to adjust and when the market allows us to make, we have to recognize it and quickly take advantage, I invested heavily in donner, excelsior and sunridge,,,so if I loose on those eventually, I won;t blame the messanger, i will blame the multitudes of events from corruption, politics, recessions, unrest, you name it, they have hit us from every angle and they have shaken the foundations of the market we play, absolutlely nothing to do with Peter or any analyst imo. We've all mentioned winners at some point here, heck. lets just talk one..mpv i've been touting since .50....ran to 6 area twice and offered multitudes of buying opps....currently just tested 5 again, just paid a whopping dividend in a spinoff that I just collected 1.30 per share on...looking to sell mpv at double / triple plus the current value...it;s taken a number of yeaars....just like ndm, annoroog, silverquest and a number of others...so I guess I just fail to see that if anyone has followed some of these guys for some length of time...how can one not have had some winners?So to me sgc, min, and don which I mention in particular because we are referencing Peter...will because of the fundamentals imo be winners, extent still unknown due to MARKET CONDITIONS AND NOTHING ELSE. We all have our reasons to be playing in such a dangerous game/market and any tool that we can add to our tool belt to get the job done is just that, another modem to accomplish our end game, which I might add is getting more dangerous as time wears on and especially once the elections are over and the bloom again starts to fade off the rose. We will get our runs with the bulls especially in precious metals, but beware of the Tsunami that pushes those metals higher. Market and world conditions may indeed be very uncomfortable. I guess to me we are big boys and girls playing a very serious game and I think it"s petty to say the least to throw blame when there are such tumultous cataclysmic conditions causing more volidity in the market then I've ever seen.It's much bigger than just some few calls that haven't paid off, or someone withdrawing a free list of possible undervalued stocks. Anyhow wer're all entitled to our thoughts, but I do try and keep mine focused on the big picture and even though it is difficult, try and filter out the unnessary short term static. All I can say is good luck to all of us because our game will, and is, going to test all of our abilities to the max. With a final thought regarding analysts, most have a vested interest in one form or another, take them all away and what do you have? So take what you can use and run with it, it;s all a crap shoot anyhow if you haven"t figured that out yet.

Jul 25, 2012 02:05AM

Jul 25, 2012 09:50AM

Jul 25, 2012 12:54PM

Jul 25, 2012 01:09PM
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