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Message: Graphite stocks

hey Klaus...interest in the board was almost nil so wasn't watching it, that and a shoulder injury which makes it hard to sit at my computer. Just can't be a couch potatoe for 6 months of winter then expect to get out in the yard and renovate a deck...lol...I was watching mason graphite..llg/v...it's on Casey R. promotes but hasn't done much. ...maybe others have, there has been a few articles of late. I see one of PG's older pics...fco couldn't arrange proper financing and are putting the cobalt plant on the backburner, stock is under 10 cents now. What a killer market and as gold continues to falter co's like yri announced cutbacks yesterday. I'll be glad to see a turn eventually but now see where alot of companies will be collateral damage from these markets. I see in M. Draghi's speach there is thought of entertaining negative interest rates for depositers in Europe, otherwards you will be paying the bank to keep your money. Europe seems to be laying the groundwork for the rest of us so I guess a better mattress might be a good investment afterall. A bit of hype going around on uran. plays but again putting money in is almost suicidal these days so we'll see. Donner may start to promote soon, thinking of adding some and just forgetting about it for awhile. I think it fires up prod. mid month or so.Anyhow there's a thousand and one stories out there and some of them have to be good. Those bird flu plays pulled a bit. I still have interst in nvax due to accumulation by some of the funds so keeping it on the radar for sure. Ngd was down somewhat on earnings, of course with gold down, but they once again increased their reserves by 300 percent, if gold goes balastic this one should do well, on the otherhand if gold keeps faltering so will even the good plays. A lot of lowered targets coming out these days on pm plays.....so going to continue to sit on my hands until a sign of some kind. Buy when their's no interestthey say but that seems more difficult this time because there was no break at all in the down trends. With summer coming the low volume may see some extreme swings yetso may throw a few stink bids in eventually.

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