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Citibank Caught In China Cash Crunch, Not Making Money Transfers

On Friday, Citibank customers in China received this notice: “Due to the system upgrade of People’s Bank of China , the domestic RMB transfer via Citibank (China) Online and Citi Mobile from June 28th 2013, 20:00pm to June 30th 2013, 21:00pm will be unavailable.”

“System upgrade”? Last Sunday, customers of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China’s largest bank, were not able to withdraw cash at its ATMs in cities across China or use its online banking platforms. ICBC , as the behemoth is known, blamed “system upgrades” for what official media now calls a “massive banking system paralysis.”

On Monday,a money transfer system at Bank of China, the country’s third-largest bank, went down. Bank of Nanjing customers faced similar problems during the week. Both banks cited technical difficulties.

“I cannot withdraw money from ICBC and BOC, and don’t know who will be next,” complained Wang Yangyu, a customer quoted by Reuters. “Can you banks give me a better explanation?”

Here’s my try at a better explanation. The rash of upgrades and glitches plaguing the Chinese banking system in the past week coincides with the country’s worsening liquidity crisis, which has hit large banks as well as smaller ones.

Both ICBC and Bank of China are known to be cash-tight. On June 20, Bank of China had to issue a statement that it had not defaulted on its interbank obligations, and Caixin, the Beijing-based financial news provider, reported that some of the bank’s branches had stopped lending.

ICBC may be in even worse shape. Caixin reports that its branches also stopped lending. Domestic media have carried a story that the bank actually issued a letter to potential depositors admitting it had to find “nearly 100 billion RMB” to meet regulatory requirements. There are rumors that early last week the central bank injected emergency funds directly into the institution. Chinese bankers privately say ICBC’s ATM outage last Sunday was really a stratagem to conserve cash. That assessment sounds right: At the very least, it would be most unusual to upgrade an ATM system during daylight hours.

So it appears that the “systems upgrade” stories used by Chinese banks are ruses. Does that mean Citibank, a unit of Citigroup C +1.02% Inc., is also short of cash in China because it has issued notices with the same excuse?

Up to now, there have been no reports that foreign—non-Chinese—banks in China have been hit by the month-long nationwide cash crunch.

Because the People’s Bank of China is the nation’s central bank, the Friday notice from Citibank to its customers would appear to mean that all banks have been ordered to suspend money transfers. Some payments and withdrawals are still being permitted by other banks, however.

There are nonetheless reports of troubles with cash transfers. Users report large ATM withdrawals in China have been disabled. At the moment, cards issued by China Merchants Bank do not work in some machines. Curiously, customers report Citibank’s and Bank of China’s renminbi cards are not dispensing foreign cash outside China.

Citibank did not respond to my request, made early afternoon on Friday (New York time), for a comment.

A key test is whether cards and online transfer platforms work tomorrow, the first day of the new quarter. Presumably, they will. It would appear the People’s Bank of China is helping commercial banks by giving all of them excuses not to make transfers now so that they can meet quarter-end cash requirements.

Some analysts still deny that China’s liquidity crunch is serious. Yet the events we witnessed last week do not happen in the absence of severe cash shortages. And judging from the notice from Citi, these shortages may now be affecting foreign banks as well as domestic ones.

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